Heart Without A Beat

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Song for this imagine: Fall (Acoustic) - Justin Bieber

**Hope you enjoy**

Justin's POV

Do you know what it feels like.... To have your whole life being ripped out from you. Feels like nothing in your life matters after you lose that one person. Well, today's is the anniversary... That Y/N passed away. I-I can't sleep... I-I can't eat... I'm nothing without her. She was my everything...my heart.

"Justin... Honey come down and eat." My mom said sighing rubbing my back.

"No thank you, I'm not hungry." I whispered to myself.

"Justin... You haven't eating in days." She sighed.

"I-I can't... Mom.. I-I just cant." I whispered feeling tears roll down my cheek and my throat tighten.

"You can Justin... Y/n wouldn't want you to be like this...."

"THEN WHY DID SHE LEAVE ME MOM! W-Why didn't s-she leave." I whispered feeling my body start to shake.

I seen my moms eyes get watery. "I-It was her time to go..." She whispered.

"I-I Need her mom... I-I need her with me, I can't do this without her... I-I can't live without her." I cried now into my moms shoulder.

"Shh, baby... She's always going to be here.. She's here right now looking down at you." She smiled at me.

"So, can you come down and eat now.." She said wiping off my tears.

I sighed and nodded. She smiled before patting my back lightly walking out. I opened my phone lockscreen it was a photograph of me and Y/N on our wedding day it was right after we did our vows we were both smiling wide in each other faces with our hands linked our eyes both watery.

"I-I miss you so much Y/N." I whispered looking down at the screen seeing a drop of tear fall on the screen.

I walked down the stairs before seeing my family eating dinner smiling and laughing. I sat down without saying a word. I grabbed the fork just picking at my food.

"Justin, stop playing with your food.." My dad sighed.

I stayed quiet. "Justin-" "C-Can I be excused please." I whispered looking up feeling tears in my eyes.

"Go ahead." My mom sighed.

I nodded before running upstairs. "I-I can't do this... I-I can't live without her." I cried hard into my pillow.

"Yes, you can Justin." I heard a voice say in my head.

My eyes go wide. "Y/N?"

"Justin... Why are you doing this to yourself?"

"I-I can't do this without you Y/N..."

"You can do this... Do this for me Justin. Please."

"B-but.. I miss you so much Y/N... I-I can't bare to live without you."

"You can... I will always be there Justin. Always, and forever remember... Through sickness and health, through everything we promised that we will always love eachother."

"I-I need you." I cried.

"I love you too Justin."

I opened my eyes to see a light flash in the sky. I wiped my tears before grabbing the picture of me and Y/N.. "A-Always and f-forever." I whispered looking up at now the dark sky.

I looked to see my guitar before grabbing it opening my window climbing on the roof. "This ones for you Y/N..." I whispered looking up at the sky.

"Well, let me tell you a story... About a girl and a boy...He fell in love with his best friend..When she's around, he feels nothing but joy." I sang remember the moment when I fell in love with Y/N.

"But she was already broken, and it made her blind...But she could never believe that love would ever treat her right."

"Did you know that I loved you or were you not aware? You're the smile on my face, And ain't going nowhere..I'm here to make you happy, I'm here to see you smile...I've been wanting to tell you this for a long while"

"What's gonna make you fall in love?"

"I know you got your wall wrapped all the way around your heart...Don't have to be scared at all..."

"oh, my love.." I paused before taking a breath wiping my tears.

"But you can't fly unless you let yourself,
You can't fly unless you let yourself fall...." I whispered before feeling my body start to shake. I laid the guitar on the ground before looking up. "Oh god... This hurts." I cried feeling pain in my chest.

"I-I just can't!" I cried feeling my whole body now collapse down on the roof and my tears now full on pouring.

"Why, why me! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO ME! YOU NOT ONLY TOOK Y/N BUT, my heart... And... Without a heart.. You can't live. And Y/N is my heart so..."

I sighed before walking towards the ledge of the roof. "I-I'll see you soon Y/N." I closed my eyes before jumping off....

"He's awake." My mom cried holding me.

"W-What..." I mumbled feeling my head pounding.

"Justin, you tried to kill yourself, if Jaxon would of never seen you on the roof... I-I don't know what would of happen." My dad sighed.

"Oh god I'm so sorry." I cried holding my head in my hand.

"I just miss her so much! Like you don't understand how much Y/N meant to me.. She was my everything! She the reason I woke up everyday! She's... S-she's my heart... And now s-she's gone... And so is my heart." I cried.

"You will get through this Justin I promise."

"I-I don't wanna get through this.... I-I just want Y/N back in my arms."

"Justin... You know that can't happen." My mom sighed.

"I-I miss her soo much... So fucken much, I'm so stupid! I should of never let her go!" I cried hitting my head.

"Justin stop. Stop now, there's nothing you could of done." She sighed.

I cried in my hands, and breathed heavy. "Justin breath. Breath honey." My mom said patting my back lightly.

"I-I need you Y/N...." I cried into my moms shoulder feeling my chest tighten.

HEY LOVELIES, so... This was my first sad imagine. I actually cried while writing this. I hope you guys enjoyed this. Comment what you guys thought about it below.

- Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now