A Terrible Accident |Part 3|

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An:// I'm glad you guys are liking this mini series.❤️
*Sorry For Any Errors...

I slowly opened my eyes seeing the sun shining bright into the room. I feel like I'm paralyzed by the lack of movement in able to do. I couldn't see if anyone was in the room at the time so, i used all my strength in my hands to try to get me off of the bed onto my feet.

I grabbed onto the side of the bed pulling myself towards the edge. I looked down at the floor before trying to swing my feet over only to have me fall face first into the floor.

I groan in pain as I feel it rushing through my body. "Y/N, I didn't like the food they wee serving so I went out and got us food from McDonald's if that's okay." I heard Justin trail off before I hear him gasp loudly.

"Jesus, how long have you been on the floor for." He picked me up gently before trying to place me on the floor again. "N-No I wanna w-walk." I whispered.

"Are you sure?" He asked me. I nodded. He set my two feet onto the floor first before placing his hand on my back. "I-I got it." I removed his hand before taking one step and falling down, but Justin caught me before I can reach it.

"I'll be right back okay, stay on the bed." He warned as he placed me back onto the bed before exiting the room. This sucks a lot, I can barely walk, I can't remember anything & my voice is so low I can barely hear myself talk.

I heard Justin's phone go off but, it was all the way over on the couch.

Maybe it's important...

I looked at the door and back at the phone. You can do this Y/N. Since my feet were already dangling off the bed I decided to just hold onto the side. My feet softly touch the floor and I hold onto the side of the bed as I slowly got up. Feeling my legs begin to wobble, I held onto the side until I reached the end. Once I let go, that's when I lost all of my balance and fell once again on the floor.

"Damn it Y/N, you couldn't just listen to me!" I heard Justin yell now re-entering the room. "Y-your phone."

"Forget my phone! Your health is more important than that damn phone! What if you hurt yourself more. Then what." I shook my head feeling my throat tighten as he scowled me.

I tried to get back up onto my two feet but failed miserably. "Y-you don't have to yell." I spoke in a low voice with it cracking at the end. I heard him sigh. "Let me help you." He tried to reach for me before I shook my head pushing him off.

I could tell that made him even more mad, he looked at me with hurt in his eyes. "Fine, Don't let me help you. Find a way to get up because I'm not dealing with this shit right now." He grabbed his stuff and walked out of the hospital room, slamming the door behind him. I was now left on the floor trying to get back onto the bed.

I tried to reach for the bar on the bed, but it's to high up. I finally give up. I see the closest thing next to me before picking it up throwing it against the wall. I felt my face getting hot as my throat tighten, tears now spilling out of my eyes.

"I-I hate my life." I cried. "I-I don't know what I'm doing wrong! I'm trying! I'm trying to remember and do the right thing but I can't, Justin was the only one I had and now I-I have nobody."

I shivered coldly placing my head on the floor letting the tears fall down my face.

He didn't care anymore, so why should I. I should of stayed in that coma, maybe my life would of been better like that.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now