A Shoulder To Cry On

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AN:// Okay, so this is going to be my first official Imagine with all the pictures and gifs soo. Let me know what you think?

I felt my heart breaking in two... I couldn't believe it. I cared so much about him & for him to do this to me.... I been in bed I only get out to to eat, shower, brush my teeth and that's it. I couldn't do much more.

 I couldn't do much more

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I didn't talk to anyone... I basically shut everyone out... I'm not even sure if I have anyone left. I heard a knock on the door making me slide back under the covers.

"Thank you Mrs. Last Name" I heard that voice and that voice sounded so familiar.... It was my best friend Justin.

"Y/N?" I heard him sigh sitting on the bed. "Go away." I mumbled feeling more tears coming to my eyes.

"Please don't shut me out." He said softly. I stayed quiet before feeling the blanket being ripped from me. "JUSTIN!" I yelled. Only to look down.

"You don't understand how bad, I wanna hurt him for what he's done to you Y/N." He gritted through his teeth. I look at him before the memories of me & him started to flood through my brain. I felt my eyes start to water and my throat tighten.

"Hey hey, look at me." Justin said softly grabbing my face.

" Justin said softly grabbing my face

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"Your okay, I'm here. He's not worth your tears Y/N not a single one."

"W-Why did he have to do that." I cried before next thing you know I felt Justin pull me into a tight hug.

" I cried before next thing you know I felt Justin pull me into a tight hug

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Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now