Are you cheating ( Part 2 )

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Your POV

It's been a few weeks since you had talked to Justin. You felt like he over reacted for no reason. When he hangs out with him "girl friends." You don't argue about it, you don't even question about it. But as soon as I hang out with my best friend it's a problem.

"You should call him back Y/N" your best friend said coming into the bedroom.

"Why should I... I mean he doesn't even care." You mumbled placing your head into the pillow.

"He obviously does care if he been blowing up your phone all day and all night" she sighed rubbing your back.

"Look Y/N I know your upset at him... But you have to talk to him. Atleast go see him... He did sound in the right state of mind."

You quickly got up sitting up. "You talked to HIM?!" You semi yelled.

"YES! Because, I care about my best friend!"

I sighed. "Fine..." You mumbled before getting out of bed. You walked towards the mirror. You got to admit.. You looked pretty bad yourself. You haven't been out of bed lately because you have been down.

"Well, he's doing a concert right now?!" You mumbled looking at the time making you eyes widen.

"How long have I been sleeping for?!" You semi yelled looking outside seeing it is already dark outside.

"Mostly all day, I thought you were dead for a second." she shook her head laughing.

"Me being dead is not funny." I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways Scooter called your phone while your sleeping but I answered it... He's gonna meet us at the back of the Arena.

You nodded and sighed getting ready.


"Y/N!" Scooter said hugging me.

"Hello.." You smiled lightly.

"Justin's performing now, if you want to come look?" He offered. You nodded walking towards where the stage was.

You finally made it to, where Justin was performing and he was performing be alright... Your favorite song. He always sang it to you when he was away on tour or whenever you missed him. Even times where there was a thunderstorm he would FaceTime you at any time of the day or night and sing it to you.

You looked at him and you can tell he's been crying... (Picture on the side or on the top)

"You know that I care for you... I'll always be there for you." He sang but the paused looking down.

"Promise I-I'll just stay r-right here." He stuttered sniffling at the end.

He just the stopped and looked down making your heart shatter. The fans started singing making you smile lightly. You wanted nothing more then to go up on that stage and hug and kiss him.

"Go.." Scooter said smiling.

"Did I say that out loud." You mumbled blushing looking down.

He nodded and laughed but the starter pushing me towards the stage. You took a deep breath walking on stage hearing the stage start screaming making Justin look up and he looked at me before he ripped off his mic piece running over to me hugging me with a bone crushing hug.

You hugged him back tight, but since he was taller the me You laid my head on his chest. "I-I'm so sorry Y/N... I-I shouldn't of over reac-"

"It's okay." You smiled before grabbing his face kissing his lips forgetting about the thousands of screaming fans.

"WE LOVE YOU Y/N and Justin!" You heard fans scream.

Some of the fans were crying and most of them probably fainted.

"Be mine again..." Justin smiled pulling away breathing heavy looking at you.

"I was always your Justin.... Always and forever. Me and you, till the end of time. No matter what happens I will always be yours."

HEY LOVELIES! So, I made a part 2 so you guys like it? And would you guys want me to make a part 2 for any other ones. ☺️💕👋🏽 Comment Below!

- Requests? Comment or Inbox me

- Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now