Purpose Album |Purpose|

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Feeling like I'm breathing my last breath... Feeling like I'm walking my last steps... Look at all of these tears I've wept, Look at all the promises that I've kept.



That's all I hear every time I leave the house, sometimes I wish I was normal... I get judged for every little think I do.. If I correct someone when There wrong.. I'm wrong? Am I truly wrong for correcting someone. I was in dark place for a long time of my life... I wasn't being true to myself... But, it wasn't before I found someone... I found her.

I put my heart into your hands....Here's my soul to keep, I let you in with all that I can... You're not hard to reach, And you bless me with the best gift.

That I've ever known.... You give me purpose
Yeah, you've given me purpose.

Here name is Y/N... We met at one of my concerts. She was the only girl in the meet and greet.. To not freak out. She treated me like I was normal.. A normal human being. I felt like I could just tell her anything, and she would just listen to me. She checked up on me ever so often. She was beautiful too... She's the reason I am still here today.

Thinking my journey's come to an end... Sending out a farewell to my friends, forever peace...

"I can't deal with this Y/N..." I cried into her shoulder.

"Yes you can Justin. Your so much stronger then this... So much, I know it's hard. But, life's hard at time. Don't let anyone bring you down... Don't ever say that please, imagine how many hearts and souls would be broken if you left." She told me..

I sighed and nodded. "It's just hard Y/N you know, when you try to do better and get back on the right track but it's never good enough. I don't know what they want from me.

"Do what's best for you before you do what's best for them." She said sternly.

"I love you so much... It hurts." I smiled before kissing her lips.

Ask you to forgive me for my sins, oh would you please? I'm more than grateful for the time we spent, my spirit's at ease.

I walked into the studio room by my self before I started playing with the piano keys... "Hmm.." I started to mumble lyrics listening, to what Y/N was trying to tell me before. I nodded my head and started listening to the beat while thinking of lyrics...

"Purpose.." I wrote down on the top 0f my paper.

I put my heart into your hands... Learn the lessons you teach. No matter when, wherever I am. You're not hard to reach.. And you've given me the best gift. That I've ever known.
You give me purpose everyday

You give me purpose in every way

Oh, you are my everything

Oh, you are my everything.

I smiled writing down the lyrics feeling tears come to my eyes. Of how grateful I am to have Y/N In my life... She the only one who didn't walk out on me or judge me when time got tough, she helped me rekindle my relationship with my mom. I'm just grateful to have her still in my life.

"I don't know if this is wrong because someone else is telling me that it's wrong but I feel this so let me just like, try my best not to let this happen again. We weren't necessarily put in the best position to make the best decisions."

I wrote down the Lyrics remember the amazing moments Y/N had put into my life. I remember the one time we tried baking a cake and it up in a food fight/nerf gun war. Don't ask... Memories like those are the ones I love. Everyone has good or bad memories but, at the end of the day... We always look back on them and learn from the bad ones and savior the good ones.

You can't be hard on yourself for these were the cards that you were given so you have to understand that these, like... that's not who you are. You're trying to be the best you can be but that's all you can do. If you don't give it all you got, you're only cheating yourself. Give it all you got, but if it ends up happening, it ends up happening.

I push myself to continue doing better for me... I have to learn how to take care of myself before I take care of others Y/N taught me that... I'm telling you this girl is a blessing in my life. I just hope she realizes that I'm not going nowhere... And she's not going anywhere.

That's what it's....that's what's happening with me. It's like God I'm giving it all I got, sometimes I'm weak and I'm gonna do it, and it's like I'm not giving myself grace, I'm just like understanding, that's just how it is.

So, to end this all up.... I would just like to put this out there. "For my beautiful girlfriend Y/N, I love you so much, and I would never get tired of saying that. You are my world... And now you are my heart. You keep me sane. Pushing me into the right direction I need to be in. You made me finally realize what love is... You my everything and you truly do give me Purpose. So... I would like to ask you this simple question...

"*Your Full Name* Would you please do the honors... Of becoming My Wife, my heart, my sole... My everything."

HEY LOVELIES! I JUST WANNA SAY, AND I KEEP REPEATING MYSELF thank you, thank you so much because with you guys, I probably..... Wouldn't be here. You guys understand there are days where I'm not the happiest and I wanna just do nothing. But, you just guys just commenting on the books and voting for them giving me something to actually push forward and continue doing so. With that being said, I appreciate. Each & everyone of you. And I love you guys so much... Thank you ❤️

- Alicia

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