Best Friends (Interracial)

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***Imagine being Justin's Best Friend***

Requested by: @Faashionista509

**Hope you enjoy it**

You and Justin has been friends ever since you guys were little. You remember the days where you and him used to do everything together. Until, Justin flew to Atlanta to go pursue his career with are you 100% supportive behind him. No matter what. It's funny because, everyone swears you and Justin date on the low.

"BESSSST FRIEEEEND!" Justin said coming into the room.

"Yes?" You laughed.

"I'm bored." He sighed dramatically laying himself on the bed.

You phone went off and you checked it. "Who's that?" He said pointing at your phone.

"Oh... It's just Dylan." You mumbled.

Next thing you know Justin grabs you phone. "JUSTIN!" You groan before he runs out the room. You roll your eyes playfully before running after him. You see him laying on the bed typing something on your phone and you quickly jump on him making him groan.

"I'll take that." You smiled before grabbing your phone back.

"It already sent." He mumbled into the pillow.

You read the text.

"Go get your own Best Friend. Y/N is mine bro." - AKA JUSTIN HER MOTHERFUCKEN BEST FRIEND!

"Really?" You laughed get off of hm.

"Thank God. I was about to die." He laughed stretching. Before you smack him. "& I don't share best friends... Especially not with assholes like him." He rolled his eyes waking out.

You sighed before you seen the nerf guns. You threw your phone on the bed before picking up two of the nerf guns. Walking out pretending to be stealthy with it. You crawl towards Justin's master bedroom seeing him on his phone laying down now shirtless.

You sat up sitting on your butt. Before aiming the nerf gun at Justin's face. "Aaaand." You whispered before pulling the trigger hitting Justin directly in his forehead.

"WTF?" He said loudly makin you get up and quickly slide over.

Squeal quickly try to grab the only gun to have Justin pull you by your legs making you laugh.

"Nice try Y/N." He smirked pointing the nerf gun.

"Your really going to shoot a innocent girl like me." You fake pouting.

"No." He whispered before helping you up. "You should of." You laughed before shooting him with the nerf gun.

"You better run." He laughed you turned around running down the steps hearing Justin quickly behind you.

"Gotcha!" Justin said grabbing you by the waist swinging you around. "Justin!" You squealed laughing.

"You not only shot me once.. But twice." He whispered before walking towards the backyard.

"JUSTIN! No!" You knew exactly what he was going to do and you just did you hair.

"But, you know it only makes it fair." He smirked.

"NO!" You squealed before he started to walk in the pool with you still on his back.

"Damn, JB whoa who's that." You heard someone yell whisling at you.

Justin automatically threw you under. "JUSTIN!" You yell at him as you got up. He grabs your waist. "Y/N. She's mine so back off bro... Off limits." Justin said sternly.

(I feel like Justin's protective over his girl best friends, I don't know why but.. I feel like he is?)

"Wait? So you guys dating?" He asked. Okay who the hell was this guy asking of course me and Justin don't date.

"Yes." Justin said quickly looking at you afterwards.

"Wha-" before you felt Justin's lips connect to yours taking you by surprise. You would never expect to be kissing your best friend.

You just decide to start kissing back. Justin then grabbed your waist pulling you into him. You felt Justin deepen the kiss. He's actually an amazing kisser.

(Oh we all know that! You guys remember when Justin kissed that damn mannequin.. Till this day I'm still jealous of that damn thing 😐😒😭)

"Okay okay, damn." He laughed. Justin pulled away breathing heavy leaning your foreheads against eachother.

"Well, I was just coming to get my shoes that I left here so.. I'll be going." He laughed. Justin just nodded not breaking eye contact with you.

"W-what was all that about?" You mumbled biting your lip.

"I'm just tired of people looking at you." He whispered.

"Oh." You bit your lip looking down. You were pretty sad that Justin did that out of being over protective.

He lifted your head up. "It would be easier if... You were mine?"

You laughed and nodded. "Yours." He smirked and kissed your lips one more.

"We're still in the pool, and you ruined my hair bieber." You raised your eyebrow.

"I'll do you hair." He laughed.

"Boy, you don't know anything about doing my type of hair." You laughed before pushing him in the pool and running out well attempting.

(I swear it's so hard trying to run in water😭😭)

"Nope." He laughed grabbing you back pulling back into him.

"I'm still your best friend right." You crossed your arms.

He laughed. "Of course."

"No, I'm serious jay... Because, let me find out you got another best friend."

He laughed. "Your (kiss) still (kiss) by (kiss) best friend (kiss)."

"WELL ITS ABOUT DAMN TIME!" You heard you friends laugh clapping.

"YOU OWE ME 5 dollars!" She yelled towards Justin's friends that were now coming in.

HEY LOVELIES! I miss Justin being a the award shows like, legit screaming at the TV when he came on... I can't do that anymore cause he's not there😭😭😭.

But I hope you guys enjoyed this imagine ❤️❤️

- Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now