Just A little Misunderstanding

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HEY LOVELIES, sorry this is a quick imagine, I hope you guys enjoy this one.

You were sitting on your leather couch in your living room watching TV when you got bored of the TV show you were watching. So, you decided to just Channel Surf for a bit.

"No...no.. Hell no." You mumbled shaking your head. Until you stopped when you heard a little something that caught your eye.

"Justin Bieber seen at a Hotel Venue serenading his Ex girlfriend Ms. Selena Gomez singing My Girl? I wonder what happens to Y/N and Justin... I thought they were on good terms. Iguess not?"

"Oh, were far from being on good terms." You scoffed grabbing your phone. You then unlocked your phone grabbing your phone and going on Twitter seeing everyone's taggin you in the pictures of Selena and Justin. You decided to tweet.

@yourtwittername - I'll be the best, that she ever was... Or ever will be, just know that for a fact. 😴✋🏽

You pressed tweet and seen everyone commenting on it like.




You shook your head before you felt your phone vibrate seeing on top of the screen.

"New Message: Jay💋"

You raised your eyebrow before you opened the Text message.

"Really Y/N, what the hell is this?!" He sent a screen shot of your tweet that you posted.

"Why don't you ask your "new girlfriend" Justin... Since she's your girl?😴

"Seriously Y/N cut it out... You got it all wrong."

"Oh no, I think I got it all perfectly made out thanks to you."

"Stop being so damn petty..😒"

"Get a life Justin... Seriously, your so full up in your ass. Now when she leaves you again and breaks your heart don't fucken come to me with all that bullshit."


"Bye Justin."

"I'm coming home."

"I won't be here."

And with that he left me on read. I shook my head before walking upstairs and gathering all my stuff.

"What are you doing?" Justin said moments later appearing in the doorway.

"I told you, I'm leaving Justin. I'm not putting up with your or her bullshit anymore." You shook your head.

"No Y/N. You got it all wrong seriously." He sighed grabbing my arm before I turned around and smacked him right across his face.

I looked at him with wide eyes. "I-I." I said before he looked at me with a blank angry expression.

"Justin?" You whispered looking at him before next thing you know he pushed you up roughly against the wall.

"Okay, I deserved that.." He whispered raspily against your lips.

"Justin stop." You shook your head not giving in.

"Listen to me." He said raspily. You rolled your eyes before turning your head but he quickly grabbed it making you look at him.

"There is nothing going on between us." He said sternly.

"Yeah okay Justin I seen the picture-"

"Fuck the media. Fuck all of them." He said lowly.

"So, your telling me thoses pictures aren't real?" You raised your eyebrow.

"I'm not saying that-" you shook your head before pushing him off of you walking towards the door.

He quickly grabbed your arm now pushing you on the bed as he climbed on top of you.

"Justin seriously get the hell of me." You groaned now fully annoyed.

"What can I do...to make you listen to me." He smirked before he slowly started kissing your neck.

"Nothing, your such an ass-"

"Am I really?" He smirked kissing your neck.

"Listen.... It was all for publicity." He whispered on your neck.


"Shh." He got up before covering your mouth.

You rolled your eyes before giving up. "Scooter thought it was a good idea just to do a little publicity stunt, it was nothing." He said sighing now getting off of you.

You looked at him trying to see if he was really telling the truth. "I still don't like her." You rolled your eyes.

He laughed before pulling you into before you smacked him again.

"Owe! What the hell Y/N stop doing that!" He yelled now angry.

"Never in your life Mr. Justin Drew Bieber. Ever call me petty again, do you understand. Because, I will hurt you like you never been hurt before." You said sternly.

"Mmhm." He mumbled.

"Oh and here you go." You said grabbing a pillow and a blanket throwing it at him.

"what is this?" He looked confused.

"Your bed.. Now shoo." You said pushing him out of the room.

"Wha?! Wait I thought we're were good!"

"Sure we are Bieber?"

"I was really hoping for Makeup Sex." He pouted.

"Goodbye Justin." You shook your head before closing the door on him.

"Makeup sex?" You laughed to yourself. Before next thing you know you felt someone throw you over your shoulders making you squeal.

"Makeup Sex it is?" He smirked before making you laugh as he carried you go the bathroom closing the door behind you both.

HEY LOVELIES! quick imagine but... Do you have an ideas on what the next one should be? Comment below.

- Much Love Alicia ❤️

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now