The Following |Part 3|

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An:// SO, I updated wattpad and I'm so glad my books are still there. I was about to cry but, this part... Is about to get a bit more interesting so, hope you enjoy 😌

PLUS, my last 2 weeks of school has finally arrived. I get out June 10th but my last full day is June 3rd. After my finals I'm finally done! That means no more worries & more quicker updates. Then I'm going to finally be a SENIOR! I'm happy, but scared. 😁🙃


Next day....

Jason's POV

"We did everything! Where is that fucken call!" I gritted through my teeth sitting at the table looking at the cracked screen.

I seen my phone ring seeing Y/N's name pop up, I can't answer that call... I can't tell her that I don't have Jasmine yet. Let me just get our daughter back and I'll explain.

I hesitantly pressed decline before sighing. "YO JASON LETS GO!" I heard Alex yell. "Man, I gotta wait for the-"

"I got the call let's go!" He yelled. I quickly grabbed my jacket and "equipment" before running out of the door."

Switching to third person point of view... (It's about to get real, so... Be warned. Don't hate me.)

"NO! Please!" Jasmine yelled as the man covered her face with the bag, tying her little hands up as she was thrown into the back seat of a car.

"Jasmine!" Payton called out. "Yeah." Jasmine cries. "I wanna go home!"

"M-me too..."

As Jasmine and Payton sat in the backseat they had no idea where they were heading to. On the mean time Jason and Alex and both of their crews are racing to get to their daughter location.

Once everyone had finally reached there location. Jason and his crew pulled up next to Alex and his crew seeing the man who took their daughter.

"Where are they!" Jason yelled gritted his teeth together balling them together. "They are right in the car, but... If you disobey me. You see this rope attached to the car, all I have to do is let go of it and they drop into the bottom of that ditch." He smirked.

Alex moved forward angrily before he let go of the rope making the car go forward hearing the girls scream but the man grabbed it back holding if steady. "You must of thought I was joking."

"The girls have nothing to do with this!" Jason argued. "Oh, Jason but you do know! You and Alex know exactly what you took from me!"

"WHAT THE HELL DID WE TAKE!" Alex yelled. "'My Sister! You killed my sister!" He spat with pure rage back. Everyone went silent for a moment.

"Jackie? Jackie Ross."

He nodded his head. "We didn't kill you sister bro, if anything we tried to protect her!" Alex spat. "Oh, really then why is she 6 feet under te ground!"

"Your sister was my first love! I would never do anything to hurt her! Do you know how hurt I was when I watched her die in front of me!" Alex bit his lip.

"Give me back my sister and I'll give you your daughters." He said lowly.

"She's dead! I can't bring her back!"

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now