Pregnancy Problems

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Your pregnant and craving for food late night and Justin cares for you.

"Hope You Enjoy it"

Your POV

Its 3 o'clock in the morning and your back is killing you and your craving for some pickles and ice cream. Justin's sleeping right now but, you been bothering him this whole week so you feel bad for waking him up. You slowly got out of bed and walked down the hall going towards the stairs walking down it going towards the kitchen opening the fridge grabbing the tube of Chocolate Rocky road ice cream. You set it on the table and went into the cabinet looking for the pickles when you realize there was no more.

You got all emotional for no reason and started crying..

"Baby.. why are you crying." You hear Justin come over to you tiredly.

"T-There is no more pickles!" You semi yelled/cried.

He laughed softly. "Do you want me to go to the store and go get pickles for you baby?" He asked wrapping his arms around.

You sniffled. "I been bothering you all week..." You whispered.

"What.. no you haven't." He objected.

"Go upstairs and go lay down back and the bed ill be right back okay." He said kissing your lips softly wiping your tears.

You nodded sighing going back upstairs getting into bed... you heard Justin leave and you just sat there in the bed... but you slowly got tired and fell asleep.

*A few minutes later..*

"Sweetheart wake up.." Justin mumbled shaking you slightly.

You opened your eyes to see Justin with bags full of food. "I decided to just not get the pickles... so i picked up some of your favorite movies, candy, ice cream.. and I can not forget you pickles." He laughed slightly showing you the bottle of pickles.

You looked at him smiling opening the ice cream and pickles for you and you got all emotional again. Making Justin look at you worriedly.

"Baby why are you crying?" He asked placing down the food coming back over to you.

"Your just so damn Cute!" You said wiping your tears.

He laughed grabbing your face kissing you lightly. "So, baby how about we stay up and watch The Hangover eating Ice Cream and candy? Yeah?" He asked looking at you.

You nodded and the rest of the night you and Justin laughed and talked all night eating Ice Cream and candy.


Hey Lovelies <3 Im actually liking doing these imagines... but let me know what you think about about this one? Comment Below.

- Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now