My Failure Speech

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Hey guys.. I know its been a while, and i apologize for not keeping my word for updating often... i been very busy.. but, I really need you guys help.. i wrote a speech about failure for my public speaking class.. can you give me your feedback on it.. it would really mean a lot.

Failure...It only brings you one step closer to success. When you really think about it failure is just feedback. Failure happens...It happens to each and everyone of us. However failure is not what defines us as a person, but rather how we overcome those failures. As I am growing and getting older day by day, I myself have experienced failure in my life, but each failure I am learning a new lesson out of it.

What is a failure? A failure is someone who is unable to preform a duty or a task. Well, I feel as so that I have failed to preform a duty or task. For example, I am a volleyball player at my High School and my position is to play as setter. In a game I tend to let myself down. If I don't get one of my serves over or I don't set the ball or even just do what I am suppose to be doing on the court. Like in our last home game. I felt as so I was not doing my job on the court. I continued to let my mistakes get the best of me. I was just not focused. Instead of just shrugging the mistake off, I let it get to my head.

Therefore, when that happens I feel as so, that I am not doing my job on the court and, that I had failed my team mates. But then, I realized when a mistake does happen... don't continue to let that mistake get to you, learn from it. Because, if you do your going to keep looking back at the mistake you made your going to start overthinking and stressing about it. Instead you shouldn't just shrug off your mistake, take that mistake and learn from it. Meanwhile, now you can continue on playing and fixing your mistakes, keep it positive. Keep pushing myself to continue doing better. Learn from your failures in life.

In summary, I learned that never set your goal for failure, look beyond failure and more towards a path to success. If you fail a test, just realized what you did wrong or messed up on and the next test.. pass it with flying colors. Just remember what Malcom S. Forbes said "Failure is only success, if we learn from it."

Thank you

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now