World War Z |Part 2|

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           The devastation it's only getting worse, we don't know what it is, & we don't know how it started. All we know is that whatever those things are... They're not human. There is no cure, and no way to find a cure if we don't know what it is. All we know is, all that we need to worry about is survival at this moment in life, & at this point... surviving this is the only chance we got to save humanity.

"Mommy, I can't find daddy! I wanna show him the new teddy bear I found on the bed. It has my name on it too!" Serena smiled wide showing you the teddy bear Justin gave her last night.

"Serena, daddy left this morning." You said softly, seeing her a frown appear on her face. "Oh...okay."

"Wanna go get some breakfast?" I asked her, she slowly nodded her head playing with the end of the teddy bear's hand. You smiled lightly, before grabbing her little hand walking out of the room towards the cafeteria area.

You walked up towards where the food was being served at & grabbed you and Serena some cereal & milk. You sat down at an empty table, getting settled.

"Serena..." You sighed softly looking at her play with her cereal. "I didn't wanna daddy to leave again, he just got back." She mumbled.

"He's doing it to keep you safe, keep us safe & everyone around us safe." You explained to her. "But, why daddy... There's so many other people but they always pick my daddy."

"Because, your dad is the best one on the team." A young man sat next to Serena. "Did you know, he saved my life."

"He did?" Serena said with wide eyes, "Plenty of times, your father is a real hero. I got shot in my back over in Iraq in the middle of a war, & Justin was my right man. We were working on the ground & I had got shot by a sniper in the back, I couldn't move, I could barely breath. I thought it was the end of my life. Until your father risked his life fighting through the war, to save mine."

"Wow..." Serena said shocked. "Yeah, that's what he's doing now. Saving peoples life's just like he did with me. Except this time, he's trying to save humanity."

Serena looked so intrigued by the words the man, was telling her. I was interested myself. She wanted to go play on the little pac-man game, so I gave her a couple quarters letting her do so.

"Thank you for that." "No, problem. Anything for Justin's family, truthfully." He replied back. "It's hard you know..." I mumbled.

"Oh I understand, during this whole world destruction, or apocalypse they are calling it. I was still here, on base while my family is out there. I got a son, & my wife & I don't even know where they are." He sighed.

"I'm sure they are safe." I reassured him, "during this state... I'm not sure anyone is anymore."

I bit my lip & thinking of the man's words... Before I pulled out the military phone texting Justin.

"I just wanted to say... That we miss you, and love you so much Justin, come back soon."

Justin's POV

"2 minutes till landing!" The pilot yelled, "What's the plan?" I asked as we started gearing up, loading up the guns, equipping them. Making sure we have everything that we need.

"1 minute!" The pilot yelled once again.

"Okay, so the plan is we're going in silent, all guns are suppressed, this place is full of those things. They are attracted by noise, any sudden noise & it's the start of another world war! We get this doctor to the medical center & we get the hell out of here!" The commander yelled over the loud noises from the aircraft.

We nodded. Before the aircraft landed minutes away from the destination, the opened the hatch, seeing it's dark & pouring out. "This is an in & out mission! If we do it right, I'll lead Justin you cover our backs, can you do that."

"Yes, sir!" I yelled in command. "Alright, then less move out! Remember, slow & quiet."

We pushed forward towards the destination, running through the poring rain, with vision blurry, barely visible. Not long before I feel my phone start to vibrate & a loud ringer goes off.

"Shit," I mumbled quickly trying to get ahold of the phone. "Justin! Turn that shit off!" One of the men spat.

Not long you hear a loud screech, before you see the things running from ever direction toward us. "GET TO THE MEDICAL CENTER!" The commander yelled pushing forward. I ran towards them not realizing I dropped the phone on the way,

"Take our cover justin!" Commander yelled. I nodded and clicked back my gun, standing in shooting those things in there head, holding the position for as long as I could not long before I feel one of them jump onto my back making me fall in the floor.

They were strong, Stronger then we imagined. I held the thing by its throat tightly while, I quickly grabbed for my knife. I grabbed my knife stabbing the knife into its skull making it die instantly.

I quickly get up breathlessly, standing my ground once again. I then see my commander & everyone aborting the mission running back towards the aircraft. I quickly run trying my best to catch up with them, when I look behind me to see a whole bunch of them running toward me.

"LETS GO!" One of my men yelled holding there hands out for me. I look and see the phone, making me run toward it & get it. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!"
My commander yelled. I quickly grab it running toward the aircraft be jumping on board as they were taking off.

I laid on the floor of the aircraft breathlessly. "You could of killed yourself going back for that damn thing!" My commander yelled. "I know," I replied breathing heavily.

"Where's the doctor?" I asked taking off my firearm, placing it on the floor next to me. "He's at-" before we heard a loud beeping sound going off.

"What the hell is going on!"

"We're going down!" The pilot yelled, before moments later..... Everything went black.

I woke up, with a huge pain in my side, I slowly open my eyes to see it's daylight & the sun is shining bright. I look and see I'm still strapped to the chair, not long before I look down & see a big steel pole through the side of my stomach. I try to move only to groan in pain.

I slowly unbuckle myself making me fall into my side causing me to yelp out in pain. Breathing heavy I bit my shirt down hard. Before gripping the front of the pole hardly, slowly pulling in out of my stomach. I have never in my life experience such excruciating pain.

I screamed out in pain grabbed a fist full onto the grass. I look around before seeing the cockpit of the aircraft. I slowly get up limping in pain. I limp over towards the cockpit seeing there's a medical kit, I opened it, lifting up my shirt, seeing there's alcohol, & a gause. I grabbed my shirt once again by my teeth and opened the alcohol poring it onto my open womb.

I quickly let go of the alcohol causing it to spill biting down on the shirt tightly. I then grabbed the gause wrapping it around my waist multiple times.

I heard someone yell, making me slowly get up. I see my gun laying in the grass before I kneeled down & picked it up placing it back on my shoulder, I limped towards the screaming to see Jamie still attached to the seat.

I grab my knife & cut her through to have her fall the same exact way I did. I felt my eyes sight start to blurry seeing the sky start to spin in circle.

"Justin... JUSTIN!" She yelled before everything around me, just went black..... Again.

HEY LOVELIES, so here's part 2, since many of you requested it. I hope you enjoy it.

Much love, Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now