America's Sweetheart

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***This is a really cute imagine***

*hope you enjoy*

Your know as "America's Sweetheart" in the spotlight everyone saids your the sweetest girl ever. So nice, so innocent. Not one time in the press have they said anything bad about you. Every paper your in your known as "America's Sweetheart.." Not "Y/F/N"

It's annoying at times. But right now your about to be on the air with Ryan Seacrest.

"I'm here with "America's Sweetheart" Ms. Y/F/N" Ryan said into the mic.

"Hello, Ryan." You smiled.

"So do you like being called America's Sweetheart?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"I mean... I doesn't bother me. It's just sometimes maybe I would like people to call me just Y/N... You know?"

He nodded. "Now, will you be attending the VMA's tonight?"

I nodded. "I will most defiantly be attending the VMA's tonight."

"Do you have a date for tonight?"

"I do not?" I laughed.

"Here that people... Ms. Y/N does not have a date tonight so, any of you single men out there still have a chance." He said making you laugh.

"Now Y/N... I have something you might wanna hear." He said before playing something.

"So, who is this?" Ryan said to A person.

You heard a pause. "Why would you do this man. Like I can't even put this down I'm shaking." You heard a familiar voice say into the mic.

"So, tell everyone who it is."

He took a deep breath. "It's Y/N.."

"I heard you have a crush on her is that correct."

"Yes. I do... I mean, have you seen her. She's beautiful Man." He said into the mic making you blush.

"You heard it here first. Mr. Justin Bieber has a crush on America's Sweetheart." Ryan said before stopping the play back.

"Now, everyone now wants to know. How do you feel about Justin Bieber?"

You took a deep breath. "I feel like.. He gets judged way to much. I mean we're all in this industry. But he was in this at a young age always growing up in the spotlight. And yes.. Everyone has done something or let the fame get to you at one point sadly for him he was in the spotlight and got caught" But, for him people judge him on his mistakes and not the great things he does. For example... When Justin helped build that school in Guatemala and help raise or 10 million dollars for them. That wasn't on the front page. But, Justin Bieber caught lashing out on a pap that's on the front page of every magazine. I just feel like if people would give him a chance to know the real Justin Bieber they will change there perception of him."

He nodded. "Now do you know Justin Bieber personally?"

"No I don't. I mean... We ment like once or twice but.. We talked and he seems likes. Really nice down to earth person like anyone else." I said truthfully.

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