The Mistress |Part 6|

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Unknowns POV

"I thought we were going back to mommy." Amelia said walking with the me. "Mommy left and we're going to go meet her." I told her.

"I want my mommy." She cried. "Shh, we're going back to her now."

"No." She spat pulling away from me. "I want my mommy now!"

"Listen you little brat. Either you come with me or you never going to see your mommy again, understood." I gritted through my teeth. "NO!" She yelled before running away from me.

I rolled my eyes before running after her grabbing her. "Let me go!" She cried. "Shut up!" I yelled before opening the trunk and throwing duck tape on her mouth, feet and hands closing it.

I took out my timer and placed it to 24hrs.

"Let the games began bitch."


"Justin! She's nowhere in your building we checked everywhere." I cried. "Hey look, we're going to find her, maybe your mom picked her up.

"My mama is in Puerto Rico for the weekend she's couldn't have." I ran my fingers through my hair.

"What if we don't find her." I bit my lip with my voice cracking at the end. "Don't worry we will... I promise." Justin pulled me into his embrace rubbing my back ever so slightly.

"Alyssa I want this place on lockdown nobody comes and and nobody leaves. Cancel all my events and meetings for today." He spoke sternly.

"Yes Mr. Bieber." She quickly sounded the alarm as all the doors began to shut. Next thing you about 30 minutes later Justin's security that works in the building shows up.

"Sir." The came towards him in a line. "There is a little girl missing, she was last seen going to the bathroom. She looks just like her mother her."

They all nodded about to walk away. "Wait, I just have to let you guys know wherever she is... She's scared so when you find her-"

"Call us." Justin spoke I looked up at him. They all nodded before spreading out. "Come lets go in my office." He took me into his office before closing the door.

You know if Amelia's father was here... He would flip out." I sighed.

"He would kill me before he kills." Justin chuckles a laugh. "I haven't doubt about that..."

Justin and I were just sitting in his office before I felt my phone began to go off. I picked it up seeing Amelia's emergency phone."

I quickly stood up. "What?" Justin asked concerned about my sudden reaction. "Amelia, I gave her a little phone and taught her how to use it Incase she needed to call me or get incontact with me."

"Well answer it?!"

I quickly accepted the phone call. "Amelia baby where are you?!"

"Mommy." I heard her crying. Justin grabbed the phone. "Mel, just tell us where you are and we will come get you."

"Get off of me!" Amelia cried making my eyes widen. "You want your daughter back, don't you Y/N." I heard a deep voice speak.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now