The Ellen Show (For Calvion)

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***Your a belieber and you get to meet Justin on the Ellen Show.***

This one was requested by @Harryscurl01

**hope you enjoy it ❤️❤️**

**also, I think it would be better if it was put in Justin's POV.**

Justin's POV

"I mean I know this kid since we was just a little boy, hair flip when he had the little hairflip and everything. I'm still pretty upset he cut his hair, I mean we all know his hair flip was everything." Ellen laughed making everyone laugh as well.

"Well, let's bring him out here my friend Mr. Justin Drew Bieber." Ellen said then my new single Boyfriend started playing.

I walked out hearing claps and screams erupt from the cloud. I walk over to Ellen hugging her. Before I sat down.

"So, how's the new album coming along?" Ellen asked me.

"I mean it's coming." I laughed.

"So, Justin I know you like to do a lot of things for your fans. She trailed off.

"Of course, my fans mean the world to me and without them I wouldn't be here today, so I'm grateful."

"Well, we got a special guest here and she's one of your biggest one fans her name is Calvion." She told me pointing towards the photo on the screen.

I looked at the picture. "Wow, she's beautiful." I thought to myself.

"So, we're going to bring Calvion out so you can meet here and stuff." She said standing up. Making music start playing. I stood up turning around seeing the her.

I stood up walking over to her. "Hello beautiful." I said hugging her.

She was shaking. "Omg I can't believe I finally get the chance to meet you." She said quickly still shaking.

I nodded laughing and sat down. She was looking around to sit so I just placed her down on my lap.

"So Calvion? How excited you are to finally meet Justin?"

"Excited isn't even the word I been waiting so long to meet him and tell him how he helped me thought and his songs give me inspiration. It's only amazing." She said smiling wide

We talked so more about the new album coming up and my new single. Ellen decided we should play a little round of basketball just me and her.

"Alright, ladies first." I said checking the ball towards her.

For the rest of the show she seemed to be more down to earth, like she didn't treat me like I was famous she treated me like a normal person, which people haven't done that to me in a while.

"Thank you for having me it was amazing." I told Ellen while we were backstage.

"No problem." She said hugging me before leaving.

I looked out the doorway to see Calvion. I quickly ran over towards her...

Your POV

Today was a good day for you. You met your idol.. Which you been waiting to meet for a while.

"HEY!" You heard someone yell from behind you. You turned around to see Justin running towards you, your heart started beating fast.

He finally made it towards you out of breath. "Calvion right?" He said smiling.

"Yeah, surprised you remembered it." You blushed tucking your hair back.

"Who wouldn't, it's a beautiful name." He smiled back.

You blushed even harder looking down.

"Look, I was wondering maaybee if you wanted to go out to eat or something?" He stuttered scratching the back of his neck slightly.

You giggled and nodded. "I would like that Justin."

"Great.. Pick you up soon." He smiled

"Great." You blushed.

"Wait, I'm gonna need your number shawty, to you know contact you." He said handing you a pen..

"Oh yeah." You laughed quickly writing your number on his hand before handing him back the pen closing his hand.

"Thanks, so I'll see you later." He before hugging you and running off.

For the rest of the day you went home got ready and Justin came and picked you up. And he took you out to the this amazing fancy restaurant it was pretty expensive but, you wanted to pay but, Justin insisted that don't. You and Justin talked like normal people, not one thing about him being famous. It's like you guys just had this bond that just instantly clicked. Like you guys were meant for each other.

"I had a great time." You blushed.

"'Me too Calvion.." He laughed smiling.

"Well goodnight Justin." You said before opening your door you felt a arm grab you back making you get shoved into a hard chest.

You just looked up into Justin's hazel eyes. Before next thing you know his lips collided with your lips taking you by surprise. He pulled away.

"Listen, Calvion I don't know what is it about you... But, ever since I saw you I knew I had to have you. You have this affect on me like you have no idea. I need you... You make me feel like I'm not "Popstar Justin Bieber." Just Justin. And I know they say love at first sight isn't true but, I believe in it because I-I think I love you Calvion." He said looking right into your eyes meaning every single word that came out of his mouth.

"I-I..." You mumbled before you just grabbed him by his white V-neck t-shirt kissing him.

"Does that answer you question." You whispered breathlessly.

HEY LOVELIES! I hope you liked this Calvion. Sorry, if it isn't what you expected but I tried. I'm not the best at writing imagines😭❤️ also, I'll be updating more of the requests & the requests are still open so I you want one. Sorry for the late updates guys something came up today 😩😩😩

- Alicia

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