The Ex (Part 2)

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Yes. Without hesitation. I am in love with her.... But, I was always too afraid to tell her because, I never wanted to ruin the friendship that we had. But now, if I don't fix this... I might now have either.

So, I'm going to go find Y/N... And tell her that I Love Her. I said to myself before grabbing Jaxon and Jazzy placing them in the car and driving off.


I drove to my aunts house dropping off Jazmyn and Jaxon. Before driving to Y/N's house that's the first place I think she would be either that or she's at her Y/BF/H <--- your best friend's house.

I got pulled up to Y/N's house getting out of my car before running towards Y/N's house door knocking well more like banging.

"WHOS BANGING ON MY DOOR LIKE THAT!" I opened the door to see Y/N's Mother. "Justin, boy. Why are you banging on my door like that you must be out of your mind." Y/N's mother said to me.

"I'm sorry to bother you Ms. Y/L/N but, first have you see Y/N?" I said quickly.

She nodded. "Is she here?!" I said hopefully.

"She's upstairs in her room but, she said she doesn't want any company.. So, I'm sorry Justin." She said closing the door.

"Mrs. Y/L/N please... I need to speak to Y/N." I said holding the door.

"With her being all upset and what not has nothing to do with you boy does it?" She raised an eyebrow.

I sighed. "It has everything to do with me... That's why I need to speak to Y/N, before I lose my best friend over a stupid mistake." I said looking at her truthfully in the eyes.

"You sound like it must be important, so go on up." She said opening the door.

"It is... Thank you Mrs. Y/L/N!" I said before running into the house and going up the stairs. I walked towards Y/N's door. I seen the door was open a bit and look in to see Y/N talking to herself with her head into her pillow.

"I'm so stupid... To think he would ever love me the same." She mumbled into the pillow.

"Your not stupid Y/N far from it... I'm the one that's stupid.. ." I said now coming into the room making she quickly get up wiping off her tears. "Justin what are you doing here?" She whispered grabbing a pillow holding sitting up.

"I'm here for you." I said truthfully moving towards her.

"Why.." She mumbled.

"Why not?" I said confused sitting down next to her.

"Because.. I not perfect. There's so many other girls in this world Justin. So much prettier then me... So much more.. I'm nothing compared to them." She whispered looking down playing with her fingers.

I grabbed her hand intwining them together. "Perfect.. Y/N you are.. You might not think that, but your perfect in my eyes. Your right your nothing compared to them.. Because, nobody could be you. Nobody can compare to you and your perfectness. And there's so much girls in this world. But, I want you Y/N... I want only you. I want you to be mine for nobody to share, I want to treat you like the queen you deserve to be and take you on romantic dates... I wanna have lazy days where we just stay home and watch movies and cuddle all day." I smiled.

"But.. W-what about Selena?" She whispered looking down.

"Hey, look at me." I whispered grabbing her chin making her look a me with her big Y/E/C <--- your eye color a tear fell but I quickly wiped it. "Selena.. What about her? She's in the past... Now, I wanna move forward in my life..... With you? If you would let me." I said looking at her moving her hair out of her face.

She bit her lip looking down. "I think I could answer this for you." I said. I grabbed her face smashing my lips against hers she was shocked at first but she eventually started to kiss back making me smile into the kiss.

I pulled away breathing heavy leaning our foreheads against each other. "So.. What do you say? Will you be mine Y/F/N?" I whispered on her lips.

She nodded. "Yes." She whispered kissing my lips.

HEY LOVELIES, here's part 2 for The Ex.. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Sorry if it sucked 😩❤️

- Alicia ❤️

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now