Welcome Home (For Krystal)

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***Justin Comes Of Home From Serving In His Time In The Army**

This one was requested by @K_double

**hope you enjoy it ❤️❤️**

"So when is he coming home?" Your best friend asked.

"I honestly have no idea... Should I be worried? I mean I haven't heard from him in over 3 months now Y/BF/N?" You sighed running your fingers through your hair.

"Don't worry he will be fine, besides if anything happend to him they would of already informed you by now." She said coming towards you.

"Not helping." You muttered lowly.

"I mean, it's been 3 years already... I miss him, it's been hard taking care of Y/D/N." You sighed looking at her playing with her dolls on the floor.

"Don't worry Krystal.... Everything's going to be fine. I promise." She sighed before going over towards you hugging you.

"Text me, call me, if you need anything Hun okay." She said picking up her jacket and keys.

"Bye sweetie." She said kissing Y/D/N forehead.

"Bywe Y/BF/N" she said getting up on her two little feet.

She looked at me one more time before leaving. "Did daddwe call ywet?" She said walking over towards you.

You sighed. "No not yet baby." You smiled lightly even though you were hurt inside, you missed him so much and not to hear from him... It hurts even more.

She looked down. "Oh okay..." She mumbled.

The rest of the day you spent cooking and cleaning after Y/D/N. Same thing you been doing since Justin left. You heard someone bang on the door. "What the hell." You muttered walking towards the door with Y/D/N following right behind you.

"Package for Mrs. Bieber?" The UPS man said holding is clipboard handing it to you.

"I didn't order anything?" You mumbled and signed it anyway.

He placed the clipboard down on the floor and rolled the box with a red bow on it into the house placing in the entrance.

"Have a good day Mrs. Bieber." He said before closing the door and leaving.

"PREWSENT!" Y/D/N yelled smiling wide.

"I don't know who sent this?" You thought to yourself.

"Can we opwen it?!" She said excitedly jumping up and down on her little feet.

"I guess so." You laughed. You untied the red bow before ripping off the black wrapping paper. Before next thing you know you see something pop out making both you and Y/D/N jump back.

"DADDWE!" you heard Y/D/N yell.

You heard daddy and you didn't hesitate to look up. There he was, the man you been waiting 3 whole years and 3 months to hear from and see... You couldn't believe you eyes.

"Did you miss me." He said in his raspy voice that you missed walking out of the box standing in front of you.

Your eyes water and you jump into his embrace wrapping your legs around him never wanting to let him go. "I missed you so much Justin." You mumbled into his chest.

He grabbed you tighter even if that was possible and swong you around. "I missed you too and I love you so, so, so, so much Krystal baby, you have no idea." He mumbled back.

"I love you too Justin." You said with your eyes still watery.

He placed you down grabbing your chin lightly wiping off your tears. Before his lips collided with yours moving in perfect sync. Nothing else's mattered right now, your husband was home from Arak safe and sound, your family is back together once again.

You both pulled away breathlessly. "I missed your lips." He mumbled.

You bit your lip nodding. He smiled turning away before seeing his little princess waiting there patiently. He quickly ran over to her picking her up before giving her kisses all over her face.

"AHH, I missed my little princess so much!" He laughed in between kisses.

"I misswed you too daddwe." She laughed grabbing his face with her small little hands.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't talk to you guys... I really am. We got sent out to another base and the connection out there was horrible. Every time I tried to call you guys it would drop." He sighed playing with Y/D/N little fingers.

"It's okay baby, as long as your here." You smiled joining the hug.

"So, are you staying for good... It just a couple days like last time." You said sighing.

"Well, not for good.. You know that baby, but I should be here for a couple months." He smiled.

"Because, I wanna spend time with my two favorite girls, so how about a trip to Hawaii?" He said smiling.

"What, are you serious Justin?" You said excitedly.

"So serious baby. Anything, to make my girls happy." He smiled wide placing Y/D/N down

"We're gowing on a twrip." Y/D/N yelled before running off.

"I just can't believe your home." You said happily feeling your eyes water.

"No, no, no don't cry." He said quickly wiping your tears kissing your lips.

"From now on I don't wanna see no more crying." He said wiping off you tears.

You looked on the corner of your eye to see Y/D/N sleeping on the couch.

"She's sleeping." You whispered.

"Yeah... So that you what that means..." He smirked grabbing you close.

"I mean, it's been so long Krystal.. 3 Years without touching or feeling you... God." He mumbled kissing your lips down to your neck.

You have to admit you missed his touch as well. "I want you to go upstairs and undress yourself and lay your sexy ass on that bed for me, I'll be up in a minute that's an order" He said sternly using his work voice that turned you on even more.

"Yes sir." You saluted him before running up the stairs laughing.

HEY LOVELIES! I hope you enjoyed this one Krystal! ❤️❤️ Lol, I'm running out of things to say in this, but omg guys 19 more days until "What do you mean" Are you guys ready?!!! 😩😍❤️

- Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now