Daddy Bieber

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You leave to go to work & you are leaving Justin with the kids for the first time.

hope you enjoy <3

Y/d/n = your daughters name

Y/s/n = your son's name

Your POV

"Justin are you sure... I mean I could take off of work." You said walking down the staircase

"Y/N baby do you trust me?" He said looking at you.

You sighed & nodded. "Listen the kids will be fine trust me." He laughed.

"Listen, y/d/n has dance class at 2:00 and y/s/n has hockey practice. Dont forget!" You said sternly.

"I wont I wont." He laughed.

"Alright...well Y/D/N! Y/S/N Come give me a kiss goodbye." You yelled from down the steps.

They came down the steps smiling. "Bye mom." They both said.

"Justin, dont forget." You doubled checked with him.

"Y/N dont worry now go before you be late. I love you." He said kissing your lips.

"Ewh, seriously not infront of us." Your daughter said walking upstairs.

"Yeah dad too my PDA." Your son said laughing.

You laughed before looking at the house before leaving.

*At work.*

"So, this is the first time your leaving Justin with the kids." Your best friend asked you while making coffee.

"Yeah, Im kind of worried he didnt call yet."

"Y/N come on you needed a break from the kids." 

You laughed and nodded hearing your phone ring. "Its Justin." You smiled.

"Hey babe? How's the kids." You asked.

"Umh, there fine... but we have a problem." He said you can tell he was biting his lip.

Your heart started beating fast. "What's the problem?"

"Soo, I tried to cook pasta but the water wont stop boiling over." He said quickly.

"Justin.. TURN.OFF.THE.STOVE!" You said sternly.

"Okay.. Okay.. The stoves off."

"Do. Not.Touch.The.Stove.Till.I.Get.Home." You told him sternly.

He sighed and nodded. "Where are the kids?"

"At practice."

"Justin.. Y/D/N practice ended 30 minutes ago."

"Shit... Bye." He said quickly hanging up.

"Sooo, hows justin with the kids?" Your best friend asked.

"I might need to take off again."  You laughed..


Hey Lovelies! Soo, if any of you guys want any person requests just comment or send me a message and ill do it <3 Hope you guys liked this one.

- Alicia <3


Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now