Daddy's Princess's |Interracial|

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**This Is A Cute Imagine**

**Hope You Enjoy**

You and Justin had been married for 3 years now. And you have a 4 year old daughter named Ellie (I don't know why but I find that name so cute!") And your 8-1/2 months pregnant with your son.. You and Justin haven't decided a name yet.

"Mommy? Can we call daddy now!" Ellie said jumping up and down happily.

"We can try El, you know he's very busy." You sighed before picking her up placing her on the bed.

You pulled out your MacBook laptop opening it up before clicking on the FaceTime application before clicking on Justin's contact name. You waited a while before you see a bed haired Justin with tired eyes.

"Hey baby." He mumbled rubbing his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Jay... I forgot about the different time zones." I sighed.

"It's okay... I had to get up in a couple more minutes anyways." He sighed smiling wide.

"Daddy!" Ellie yelled into the screen smiling wide.

"EllieBear!" Justin said as his smile grew wide.

Justin has been calling Ellie "EllieBear" when she was first born. Ever since we figured out Ellie was going to be her name as soon as Justin held her in here hands he looked at her like and then whispered to her. "My EllieBear" he then kissed her tiny little forehead.

"Daddy! Wanna see my picture I drew today in art class!" Ellie said excitedly.

"Of course!"

"Okay, I be right back! Don't move!" She said before running off the bed going to her backpack.

"I miss you Jay." You sighed.

"I miss you too's little man?" He said pointing at your growing belly.

"Kicking my behind right now. He's been kicking nonstop." You groaned rubbing your tummy.

"He's going to be a soccer player." Justin smirked.

"Why is it always a soccer player?" You laughed.

"I don't know baby?" He laughed.

Ellie came running back into the room. "Is thy the picture you showed me earlier?" You asked she nodded wide.

"Okay let's see this beautiful masterpiece my EllieBear made."

Justin always boosted Ellie's imagine and positivity up. You did the same but, in Justin's position it means a lot because she is a daddy's girl of course.

She smiled wide before picking up the piece of paper and showing it to him. "Awe...Ellie..." He said before you looked at him seeing his eyes water.

You we're recording the whole time. "So everyone the picture Ellie." You told her.

She turned the pictures towards the camera and it was a stick figure drawing of Justin, myself, and her she even drew in a little person for our son and a big clock that had "1 day" in the middle. She wrote "Wha Do You Mwean?" And Justin's name.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now