Justin's 22nd Birthday

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An:// This imagine we about to put in some throwbacks so, be warned. & this is going to be a long imagine so I hope you enjoy!

***I Didn't get the chance to proof read it so sorry for any mistakes!****

Justin's POV

I felt myself tossing in turning trying to find warmth, but found nothing. I sat up rubbing my eyes to see an empty bed next to me. Where is my love? I sighed and got up off of the bed walking out seeing a little light shining from down the hallway.

"Y/N?" I called not hearing anything. I raised my eyebrow starting to walk towards the light only to see stop in the doorway seeing Y/N asleep with our photo album on her chest. I laughed softly walking over towards her.

I picked up the book seeing an old picture of me.

I smiled and looked at that picture, I remember that day in 2010 cause it was the first day I seen Y/N

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I smiled and looked at that picture, I remember that day in 2010 cause it was the first day I seen Y/N. Believe it or not, she actually took that picture. She was also Ollg that night...


"Love me, love me... Say that you love me, Fool me, fool me oh how you do me."

"Kiss me, kiss me... Say that you miss me, Tell me what I wanna hear....Tell me you love me" I sang into the microphone staring into the crowd of people. I smiled before looking at the row in front of me. I seen this girl, and let me tell you she was beautiful.

I realized I was into a deep stare at her getting back it to song. "People try to tell me but I still refuse to listen." I walked towards her smiling at her only to have her blush and look down.

I held out my hand as she grabbed it softly, I blocked out all the screams before caressing it.

"Cause they don't get to spend time with you, a minute with you is worth more than, A thousand days without your love, oh your love." I winked at her letting go walking back towards the center of the stage with a smile on me.

After the song, we went backstage. "Next song is One less lonely girl." Allison said about to go get ready to pick an Ollg. "Actually, can I pick?" I asked her making her raise her eyebrow.

"Bieber had a moment with a girl," Nick laughed with the dancers. "Shut up," I hit him
Playfully. "Oh did he?" She smirked at me.

"Listen, please... Like just do that for me. I have an idea." I pleaded. "Fine, but don't ask again... It's suppose to be a surprise for you." She laughed walking out to the crowd.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now