My Last

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**This Is A Jason McCann Imagine**

Requested by: @Angel_Bieber_1

"Promise me you will come back home."

"I promise you Y/N... I will come back I won't ever leave you. I could never leave you."

"I just worry sometime you won't come back.."

"I'm always going to come back home to you Y/N i love you too much, not to come back."

I love you too Jason." You smiled wide before pressing your lips against his.


I haven't heard from Jason ever since last night... It's been 2 days... 2 whole days without hearing his voice. Nor seeing and frankly I'm scared. I'm scared that something happened to him. It's not like he could go to a hospital. Or call 911 if he's hurt. He would get arrested or even killed on sight.

You looked at your phone and sighed. "Nothing." You mumbled.

He's okay, you know he is. Jason promised you he would be back... And he always keeps his promise. Jason left To go to Atlanta to go handle business. You were hoping he would be back by now.. Because you have some important need to tell him.

Your pregnant... You just found out last night.. And you been planning on telling Jason but, you haven't got the chance to.. And now, you have no idea if you will ever get the chance to.

"Jason... Just please.. Please be alright." You sighed looking at your lockscreen its a picture of you and Justin and he's holding your waist smiling wide kissing your cheek as your laughing.

"He's much a dork." You smiled remembering that day like it was yesterday.


"Jason, stop!" You laughed as he kept kissing you.

"I can't, your just so damn cute." He laughed.

You shook your head laughing and next thing you know you see a flash you off. Making you and Jason both look up.

"GET MARRIED ALREADY!" Khalil said laughing.

"One day.." You heard Jason mumbled.

"Let me see that photo." You said grabbing the camera from him.

"We are cute." You laughed.

"Send me that picture." Jason said towards Khalil.

Next thing you know, Jason got the picture and he set it as his lockscreen and grabbed your phone setting it to yours as well.

"Now, one of you "boy bestfriends" will know hur taken and... If they don't... Trust me, I will let them know personally." Jason said sternly.

"Don't worry Jay.. I'm all yours." You smiled wrapping your Arms around his neck.


"All yours."


"You heard a knock on the door and you quickly ran down the steps looking through the peep whole to see Khalil and Za with blood all over them. You opened the door and they immediately came in.

"Where Jason?!" You asked quickly.

They both looked down. "Where.Is.Jason!" I said sternly.

They both stayed quiet. "WHERE IS HE!" Your voice cracked feeling like your going to cry.

"Y/N... Jason."

"No, no... Don't tell me that. DONT YOU DARE TELL ME THAT!" You yelled now full on tears coming out.


"I COULDNT PROTECT HIM! None of us could." He mumbled sadly.


They both sighed holding there heads down ashamed.

"Y/N- DONT! I-I just want to be alone right now."

They nodded and held there heads down leaving out of the house.

You just shook your head looking at the vase before throwing it on the floor. You just fell to your knees finally breaking down.

"This can't be happening.." You cried holding your face in your hands.

You just ran upstairs getting up walking over towards where's Jason's clothes were and you opened the drawer to see a black box. You raised your eyebrow and opened it too see a silver diamond ring. You immediately slammed the box down before just officially breaking down crying.

"Please.. Just please be okay Jason." You prayed.

HEY LOVELIES! Part 2?! Yes or no... COMMENT below. I hope you guys liked this one it's a little different then my imagines.

- Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now