She's All Growing Up |Jason McCann|

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**This Is Another Over Protective imagine**

Requested by: @drakeftomaha

**Hope you enjoy**

"How's the business going along?" You asked Jason over the phone while you were cooking dinner. The phone held to your ear. You used the term business instead of gang.

"It's coming... You know stressful." Justin said over the phone.

"People just piss me off..." He spat Into the phone.

"I know baby- MOM! I'm home!" Your 17 year old daughter Jamie came inside the house.

"Who's that?" Jason asked over the phone.

"Your daughter. She just came in from school.."

"Oh." He mumbled.

She walked in and came in with a boy.. "Mom this is Ryan...

"Ryan? Who TF is Ryan Y/N.." Jason spat through the phone.

"Hush Jason." You said Into the phone

You heard him mumbled Into the phone.

"Is that dad?" She asked. I nodded.

"Hold on Jay." You said, you heard him mumble something.

"Finish." You said sternly placing the phone on mute.

"Ryan and I have a science project to do together so, we will just be upstairs." She said quickly.

"Eh! Get back here." You said stopping the both dead in there tracks.

"Science project Huh..? Whats it on?" You raised your eyebrow looking at both of them.

"It's on global warming.." She said sassily back.

"Outline paper?"

"Eh- damn.. Sorry Mrs. McCann I left it in my locker." Ryan said quickly.

"Mmhm." You raised your eyebrow.

"Your father will be home soon. And you know he doesn't tolerate boys in this house." You warned.

"I know mom, but we really need to get this project done." She said quickly.

"Leave the door open." You said sternly looking at both of them.

They both nodded before walking upstairs. You walked back and grabbed the phone taking it off mute. "Hello?" You said walking back.

"Yeah, I'm still here." He said.

"You need anything from the store before I go home?" He asked.


"Come on Y/N... You know I hate being in Walmart." He groaned.

"Fine, just pick up a pack of Oreos." You mumbled.

"Alright, I'll see you when I get home." He said before hanging up.

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