Motherly Duties

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Your daughters on her period & Justin has to buy her tampons.


"DAD!" Your 16 year old daughter yelled.

"Yes y/d/n?"

"Where's mom?" She asks worriedly.

"Your mothers at work why what's wrong?" Justin said sitting down on the bed.

"I rather talk to mom about this..." She mumbled.

"Your mothers not going to be home for a while... But call her." Justin said walking out.

A few moments later...

"DAD MOMS ON THE PHONE, She has something to tell you." Your daughter said coming down the steps.

"Jesus..." He mumbled taking the phone.

"Hey babe." He answers the phone.

"Justin I need you to go to the store & by Tampons."

"Are you seriously y/n you know I hate going to do those things." He groaned.

"Y/D/N needs them." You said sternly.

"Well why can't she go." He said groaning.

"Justin. Go. To. The. Damn. Store. & by her the damn tampons." You said sternly.

He groaned. "Fine..." He mumbled before hanging up before handing Y/D/N back her phone.

"I'll be back." He groaned.

*At the Store....*

Justin walked into the store keeping his hood on from trying to be seen... Even though this is very embarrassing for him because Y/N usually does all this. He looked up and down the isles trying to find the Tampons and he finally found them.

"God why the hell is there so many of them." He groaned.

He took out the phone calling Y/N.

"Hello?" You answered the phone.

"Y/N why the hell is there so many of them I thought this was going to be easy!" He groaned.

Y/N laughed slightly. "Okay now I want you to look for the "TAMPAX PEARL" ones." You said sternly.

"Okay okay.. I found them.." He said looking at them.

"There's regular... Super or light." He said looking at the boxes.

"Ewh this is disgusting." He said thinking about it.

"Shut up & just get the regular ones..." She said rolling your eyes.

"Okay okay gosh women." He picked up the box.

"Oh yeah you might wanna buy some ice cream & some of Y/D/N favorite foods." She said sternly.

"Wait why...oh never mind." He said before realizing what she meant.

"Okay well, I'll talk to you later babe." You said before hanging up.

Justin went through the isles getting Y/D/N favorite stuff. Before walking towards the cash register..

"First time shopping." The cashier said to Justin said.

Justin laughed & nodded. "I didn't think it would be so complicated."

"Trust me my daughter was like flipping out on me the first time." He laughed.

"Man women huh?" Justin said laughing.

"Tell me about it."

"Total is $23.67."

"Jesus how much were those damn tampons." Justin said taking out his wallet.

"You don't wanna know." He said laughing.

Justin shook his head laughing slightly before swiping his card paying for it.

"Alright see you man."

"Hope all goes well." the cashier said laughing.

*At home...*

Justin walked upstairs with the bags to Y/D/N room.

"Okay so I brought your tampons and some ice cream with some of your favorite foods." Justin said handing Y/D/N the bag.

"Awe dad..." Y/D/N said laughing hugging him.

"Anytime sweetie... Just next time your mothers doing that." He said Sternly.


Hey lovelies! I hope you like this one... this one was requested by BELIEBERfourLIFE_ i actually enjoyed doing this one <3 Lol request more if you want one... i could do a personal one just give me the information for it <3

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now