Lets make a bet

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**You And Justin Make a bet to see who can go the longest without sex.**

**hope you guys enjoy this **

"Every time I see you guys, you guys are all over each other." Za laughed shaking his head.

You blushed into Justin's chest gripping his shirt. Justin laughed rubbing your back slightly. But, he was right.. Me and Justin were like inseparable, he's a clingy guys - but I'm also a clingy girl so, we're both used to it.

"Come on, you guys have to atleast have sex atleast 2-3 times a day." Za said teasing both of  us.

You were blushing so much you felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. You hid your face back in Justin's chest taking in his expensive Versace cologne. You placed your legs on his lap.

"Man, stop embarrassing her." Justin laughed looking at Za before looking down at me with his big brown hazel eyes. You looked down biting you lip.

"I'm not embarrassed, it's just kinda weird talking about you "sex" life to our friends... But, you are right." You laughed looking down.

"It's not my fault you can't keep your hands off of me." Justin teased.

You looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Oh, no honey... That's all you. Everytime I come back in the house you wanna have sex." You scoffed.

"Nothing but lies." He scoffed back, rolling his eyes at me playfully.

"Wanna make a bet Bieber." You said now sitting up crossing your arms.

"Yeah- I bet you can't go a whole week without sex." He smirked.

"OOOOOOOOH, HE DIDNT! BUT HE DID!" Za said in the background.

You laughed looking down before going over to him now in his face, you moved you head towards his ear and you whispered. "Baby, I can go a whole 2 weeks without sex."

"Oooooo. Now she did that!" Za instigated in the backround.

"Your so on." He smirked before holding out his hand. I smirked confidently grabbing his hand shaking it.

*Day One - later that night*

You were laying down on your bed reading TFIOS, but you also had your laptop scrolling through it taking a break from the book every now and then. You heard the bathroom door open with a bright light coming in the room also, making a whole bunch of steam come out. You looked to see a wet Justin will a whole bunch of water dripping down his abs with a white towel hanging down low showing his V- line.

You bit down on your lip. But you knew exactly what he was doing and it wasn't going to happen, you weren't going to lose this bet. "Baby, do you know where my boxers are?" He said in a raspy voice knowing he knew what that did you you.

"There always in the draw-" you said turning around to look at him but now he was full on naked now showing you his full on package. "Something wrong babygirl." He smirked.

You turned way. "Nope, there in the bottom draw on the left." You said confidently.

He nodded and grabbed a pair of boxers. You shut down your laptop and put down on your book on the end table on your side and slid down into the covers.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now