Over The Years

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AN:// Requested by @katie_lewis_95 , hope you enjoy


"Y/N!" Justin called my name running into my room literally jumping on the bed.

"Yeah." You laughed at how silly he was being right now.

"So remember that thing with my mom I was telling you about." He said smiling wide.


"So! It's a go!" He said happily. You smiled wide before you guys excitedly hugged each other, you were beyond happy for him this is a huge opportunity for him.

"But, there's another thing...." He said quietly.

You raised your eyebrow before looking at him. "What?"

"My Mom & I... Are moving to Atlanta, it was apart of the record deal situation...."

"Oh..." You said before sitting back on the bed.

"Y/N..." He said looking at you.

To be honest... You and Justin had be best friends for like ever, & for him to just.... Leave out of your life like that. It hurts... Hurts a lot. But then again... You realized you can't ruin his opportunity for your own benefits.

"I'm happy for you Justin. I really am." You faked smiled.

Flashback Over

After Justin got famous... And started to get more and more famous.. I felt as so we were both going our separate ways. I mean of course I'm happy for him... But, I miss him. He was my best friend... I watched him on TV do performances, the last time I actually seen nor talk to Justin was about 4 years ago... He's now 21 and I'm 20 were only a year apart.

You sighed before realizing that you had to go get ready for that family Christmas party. It's crazy because... You got an invite from Pattie and you haven't talked to her since a couple years ago too. Pattie was always like a second mother.

You looked outside to see it was snowing you smiled before feeling a small tear roll down your face.

No Y/N... Your not going to cry. Your going to go this Christmas party and go have fun.

You took a deep breath before closing the curtain and walking upstairs.

Justin's POV

God I missed her face, I missed hearing her voice, I missed everything. I missed her so much everything reminded me of her. It's been 4 years damn. I looked and seen Y/N appear in the window.

Is she crying?

I looked at her once more before I see her talking and she wipes her tears before she walks upstairs. I lean back and feel my heart start pounding. But, my only question was... Why was she crying?

Your POV

You did one last look at yourself in the mirror before grabbing everything you needed placing on your jacket and opening the door to see a present on the steps. You looked around before picking up the present. "Do not open until Christmas."

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now