Her Wedding Day

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This imagine is about, You and Justin's daughter wedding day.

Warning: Very Cute/Emotional

Song for this imagine
One Call Away - Charlie Puth

Today's the day... Today is the day that your little girl, isn't your little girl anymore. She's now on her own. To start her own path in life with her now fiancé soon, to be husband. You been watching over Justin because, you know how hard it is for him to just let go of his little girl. Even though she's not little anymore. she will always be "daddy's little girl or daddy's little princess."

"Justin? Baby... The wedding is almost starting are you ready?" You walked around in your 2-4 inch heels still putting the rest of your jewelry on.

You walked into the living room to see Justin fully dressed sitting down with all the photo albums next to him. "Remember this Y/N." He smiled holding up a picture of Y/D/N and Justin building a sandcastle on the beach.

You smiled and walked over to him sitting next to him rubbing his back softly. "Yeah.." You smiled.

"Oh, and God... Look at how little she was in this photo." He looked shocked. It was a photo of when she was first born. Your hair all a mess from the delivery with you looking down at her.  There was another photo of Justin holding her in her hands.

"I remember, when I first held her in my hands... She was so little and.. So precious. And now, I'm letting her go..." He whispered with his voice cracking a little bit.

"Dad?" Y/D/N said coming now into the living room with her wedding dress all on.

"Wow." Me and Justin both said. He turned around wiping off his tears.

"Don't cry dad, your going to make me cry." She laughed fanning herself.

"We're on in 2!" The guy from outside said.

"Jesus.. Well, I better get out there, you look beautiful babygirl." You smiled kissing her cheek.

"Thank you mom." She smiled as you to hugged each other before you walked out the door to go take your seat next to everyone.

Justin's POV

"Your mother is right, you look stunning." I smiled wide.

"Thanks dad."

"Are you ready?" I asked her as were standing behind the two big gold/glass doors.

"No, I mean yes... I'm just really nervous. What if I trip or mess up my vows." She started panicking.

"Hey hey, listen... Whatever happens. It's okay. Remember, when I hand you over to your newly husband. Don't forget about me or your mother. Don't forget about your family."

"I would never forget about you dad, or the family.." She smiled hugging me. I sighed before placing a smile on my face. Not to long before we hear the music start playing and the doors open. We then carefully started walking towards them.

It was now time to hand her over. "Take care of her.." I said sternly shaking his hand.

"I will protect her with my life sir." He said and I nodded before turning around.

"Wait! Dad!" Y/D/N said quickly before picking up her dress and attempting to run towards me before she hugged me tightly one more time making everyone awe. "I'll always be your little girl no matter what I love you dad." She said looking at me. I nodded trying to hold in the tears.

What I can't help it... My little girl isn't my little girl anymore. And it hurts to say that.

I nodded kissing her for head. "I love you too sweetheart."

**Skipping to the reception**

"Are you okay honey?" Y/N said coming over towards me sitting down next to me.

I sighed and nodded. "She's all grown now... She doesn't need our help anymore." I said feeling my voice crack once more.

"Trust me baby, she loves you.. She loves us. She will always need us." Y/N reassured me.

"I guess your right." I sighed before she smiled And kissed my lips slightly.

"If we can have everyone get in there seats for the father daughter dance."

"Go on..." She smiled pointing towards Y/D/N standing in the middle of the floor. I got up walking over towards her.

"I can't dance." She laughed as we got into the position.

"Just follow my lead." I reassured her.

I'm only one call away
I'll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me
I'm only one call away

Call me, baby, if you need a friend
I just wanna give you love
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Reaching out to you, so take a chance

No matter where you go
You know you're not alone

I'm only one call away
I'll be there to save the day

"I remember at our wedding you were so little that your little feet used to place your feet on top of mines." I laughed as I twirled her. She laughed then smiled and rested her head on my shoulders.

Superman got nothing on me
I'm only one call away

Come along with me and don't be scared
I just wanna set you free
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon
You and me can make it anywhere
For now, we can stay here for a while
Cause you know, I just wanna see you smile

No matter where you go
You know you're not alone

I'm only one call away
I'll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me
I'm only one call away

And when you're weak I'll be strong
I'm gonna keep holding on
Now don't you worry, it won't be long
Darling, and when you feel like hope is gone
Just run into my arms

I'm only one call away
I'll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me
I'm only one, I'm only one call away
I'll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me
I'm only one call away

I'm only one call away..

The song ended and I twirled her once more before everyone started to clap...

"She's all grown up now."

HEY LOVELIES! I hope you enjoyed this imagine? What did you think about it? Did you like it...😭❤️ comment below what you thought about it.

Much love - Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now