Beach Day (Interracial)

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*** You And Justin Go to the Beach***

"Babe, scooters calling you." You mumbled shaking Justin slightly hearing his phone go off.

"Hmm." He mumbled turning over cuddling into your chest.

"Babe, seriously scooter is calling you." You said seriously now.

"I don't wanna go to the studio." He whined then mumbled into my shirt.

"Then tell him." you laughed running your fingers though his hair.

He groaned climbing over me grabbing his phone placing all his weight on you making you groan.

"Get your fat ass off of me." You laughed hitting him lightly.

"Wait, I'm almost done sending this text." He laughed kissing your lips.

"Aaaaand send."

"Now we have the day to yourselfs what do you wanna do?" He asked.

"First I want you to get your fatty behind off of me, but we should go to the beach! You said excitedly because you got this new bathing suit you wanted to try out.

"Alright, well let's go to the beach." He said laughing rolling off of me.


"Baaby, come in the water." Justin yelled coming up towards where you were laying.

"No, no, no." you said laughing.

"Fine.." He sighed.

You smiled wide placing your shades back on, but next thing you know you feel someone pick you up making you squeal running. "JUSTIN!" You yelled laughing as he was running towards the water.


"As you wish." He smirked before dropping you and you land inside the water. You get up with your hair and your body soaking wet.

"You said put me down." He smirked.

"You better run." You gritted though your teeth.

"Actually you better run." Pointing behind you.

"What- Justin!" You laughed as he grabbed you from behind spinning you around making you laugh.

"I hate you." You mumbled as he set you down facing you towards him. He smiled wide before he placed his hands on your waist lowering them just a tad bit.

"No you don't you love me." He said kissing your lips.

"Babe, let's go skiing." Justin said pointing at the jet ski place.

"Boy, you have got to be out of your mind if you think I'm gonna get on that so we could get stuck in the middle of the ocean." You pushed Justin off of you.

"Atleast we will be together." He said laughing grabbing you back.

"Boy bye."

"I hate when you say that." He groaned.

"No you love it" You smirked at him.

"You know what I do love..." He whispered biting his lip.

You raised an eyebrow. "That ass." He smirked smacking your ass.

"Hands off Bieber." You said sternly.

"I think I'm aloud to touch what's mine." He smirked.

"You really need help." You laughed kissing his lips before you here a whole bunch of flashes go off making you and Justin both groan.

"Seriously guys, I can't have one day with my girlfriend without you guys bothering us." Justin shook his head before grabbing you hand picking up the stuff going home.

"Sorry that our beach day got ruined." Justin sighed placing his hand on your thigh while he was driving.

"It didn't get ruin..." You smiled lightly.

"It could of been better if them damn paps wasn't there." He gritted though his teeth.

You came to the stop light and grabbed his face making his look at you."listen, Jay today was amazing, regardless of the paps. As long as we're together that's all that matters." You said kissing his lips. Making him smile into the kiss going in a little bit more rougher he pulled away hearing a beep.

"Wait till we get home." He smirked before speeding up a little bit going home.

HEY LOVELIES! I hope you guys enjoyed this imagine. It was a quick one but, I liked it. <333 , any requests comment and I'll do them ☺️☺️💕

- Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now