Are you cheating?

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Justin thinks your cheating on him..

Your POV

"Seriously Y/N your going out with him again." Justin groaned rolling his eyes.

"Justin, I'm sorry I haven't seen him in the last couple months? We're catching up on old stuff?" You said fixing your hair.

"All week? You need to catch up?" He said looking up from his phone raising an eyebrow.

"He works." You said defending him.

"Are you cheating on me." He said seriously out of the blue.

"What?" You said dumbfounded hat he would say something so stupid like that.

"I said Are. You. Cheating. On. Me." He asked more sternly.

"No, Justin I'm not cheating on you." You scoffed rolling your eyes.

"Am I wrong to assume?" He argued back.

"I mean... You come home smelling like a different type mean every night!" He yelled.

You looked at him. "So your saying I'm a hoe now And I just sleep around with men for my own person pleasure!"

He rolled his eyes.

"Seriously, your ridiculous." You scoffed.

"Hope you have a fun night sleeping by yourself. Because in not staying here with you." You said grabbing a change of clothes.

"Yeah go ahead Y/N go stay over his house all I care!" He yelled.

You rolled your eyes before walking out the door.

Short I know but it's simple.... Should I do a part 2? 😂😂💕 comment below lovelies.

- Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now