The Following |Part 2|

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"Then I guess we have to kill them." I then grabbed my gun clocking the gun back making a click sound.

Babygirl, I'm coming for you.

Jason's POV

"Bro! We can't kill the GreyHounds!" Khalil said sternly.

"Then what other choice do I have! We are never going to get a deal with them and my little girl is- who knows what! I'm not taking any chances."

"Alright, let's do this... But, first we can atleast try to compromise.

"What do you want." Alex the leader of the Greyhounds.

"I need to make a deal..." I muttered. He looked at me and laughed. "McCann wants to make a deal with me.

"You think I want to do this!" I spat, he looked confused. "Then why are you here.

"Why do you care, look do you want to make a deal or not."

"Jason's Daughter got taken." Za said standing up. "Za! That's none of his concern-"

"Your daughter is missing McCann?" He raised his eyebrow. "Look, I just need to make a deal, are you in or not."

"I'm in." He spoke lowly, "fine then I guess- wait what?"

He sighed standing up. "I have a daughter of my own... Same age as yours actually. And if she ever went missing. Boy, I would be ready to go on a full on killing spree.. I'm suprised you're still calm."

"Calm? I'm boiling inside." I gritted through my teeth. "Listen, I know we're rivals and all but, family comes first and if you need to do this to get your daughter back. So be it."

I nodded my head. "So what's the plan."

"I say, we find this bastard and kill him and his family."

"But, what if his family has a dog... We can't kill a dog man. I might be a killer but I'm no damn animal killer." Chaz said seriously.

"Listen, we need to go back to the last time you seen your little girl." Alex stated sternly.

I thought for a moment. "The bus driver."

We walked towards the bus stop seeing the a old man looked like he was in his late 50s with a black truckers hat covering his face. We reached the bus seeing the bus door is open, I walked up to the man gripping his shirt.

"Where is she!" I yelled, waking up the scared old man.

"I don't know what your talking about!" He replied sacredly.

I grabbed the guy picking him up slamming him onto the wall pulling out a picture of Jasmine.

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