Starbucks Accident

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Requested by: @believe_belieber94

**Hope you enjoy**

**This Imagine is Y/N is a fan meeting Justin**

It was late in the day and you were craving for some Starbucks. So, you decided to just get into your car and drive to Starbucks.

You walked in Starbucks lucky there was nobody in line. "Hello can I get F/SB/D <--- fav Starbucks drink." (What's your favorite Starbucks drink?)

She nodded ringing you up. "That will be $6.78." The cashier said.

You nodded going into your wallet handing her a 10 dollar bill. Before getting your change waiting for you drink to be ready.

"Here you go." She said handing me my drink.

"Thank you." You smiled before twirling around your drink looking at it. Next thing you know you accidentally bump into someone causing your drink to spill all over them.

"OMG I'm so sorry!" You said quickly trying to wipe off the persons shirt.

"Your fine...Accidents happens." You heard a deep raspy voice say.

You looked up to see your idol Justin Drew Bieber. "Oh my god." You whispered looking up.

"Your Justin Bieber!" You yelled starting to freaking out.

"The one and only." He laughed.

"I can't believe it's really you." You cried.

"Awe, don't cry." He laughed hugging you.

"I been waiting my whole life to meet you and I can't believe your right in front of me." You cried more.

He smiled and laughed. "So.. The least I could do is buy you a new drink?" He laughed.

"OMG.. Justin Bieber is about to buy me a drink." You said with wide eyes.

"Hey hey, Just think of me as Justin.. The normal kid from Canada." He laughed showing his pearly white teeth.

You nodded and tried to hold in your screams. You were dying inside. Legit dying. It was too much... This is the moment you been waiting your whole life for... To meet Justin.

"Oh.. I didn't get your name." He laughed running back over towards you.

"Y/n..." You smiled wide.

"Well, Y/N? What kind of drink did you get again.." He laughed awkwardly.

"F/SB/D <--- fav Starbucks drink."

"Okay.. I'll be right back." He said before jogging back over towards the counter. While he was waiting you too a good look at his outfit. His hair was pretty nice and laid to the side. He had a white V- neck on showing his cross tattoo and he had light blue ripped jeans on, with a pair of pearly white shoes. He did look good.. As always."

A few moments later he came back with my drink and his drink. "Here you go.. Im sorry."

"It was my fault." You laughed.

"Hey, are you busy? I was planning on going down to South Beach for a little? If you want to come and chill." He asked sipping on his drink.

You looked at him with wide eyes. Did Justin just ask you if you wanted to chill with his. "It's okay if you can't." He laughed.

"Are you crazy, of course." You smiled wide.

"Great." He smiled.

The rest of the day you and Justin chilled down by south beach and you guys kept laughing about how you guys ran into each other. And, it was actually nice spending the day with your idol. You will never forget this day.

HEY LOVELIES, sorry if this wasn't the best imagine but, I should be posting another one soon. I'm working on them now. But, I hoped you liked this imagine.. ❤️❤️

- Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now