Mother's Day

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****It's Mother's Day and Justin wants does something****

"Alright kids, now we have to do this silently." Justin told your 4 year old son Y/S/N.


"Because Mommy can't know." Justin whispered.

"Why can't mommy know." He asked.

"We want to surprise her now, come help me in the kitchen." Justin said grabbing his hand lightly.

"What's a surprise." He asked.

"You sure do ask a lot of questions buddy." Justin laughed.

"Alright, now the breakfast is already made and set now all we have to do it is take it up to her." Justin said handing your son a handful of roses.

"Where's that card you made mommy buddy?" He asked him.

"It's in my backpack." He said running over grabbing a paper.

"Ready?" Justin asked.

Your son nodded and Justin and him walked upstairs towards your bedroom seeing you still fast asleep.

"Babe, sweetheart wake up." Justin said placing the tray down on the end table shaking you lightly.

"Hmm." You mumbled slowly opening your eyes.

"Happy Mother's Day mama!" Y/S/N said smiling wide handing you a bunch of roses and a paper.

"Awe, thank you my little munchkin." You said grabbing him kissing all over his face.

"Mommy stop it." He smiled laughing pushing your face.

You laughed letting go of him. "And we made a special breakfast for my view special woman, who I love so much." Justin said handing you the tray of food.

You looked down at the tray to see Pancakes with strawberries on the side sausage, with a side of eggs and orange juice.

"Thank you baby." You smiled wide kissing his lips.

He smirked and nodded whispering in your ear. "The best surprise I saved for later.." He smirked kissing your neck.

"Stop trying to eat mama, daddy!" Y/S/N pushed Justin's face away from yours. Making you both laugh.

You smiled wide and laughed at your son.. the rest of the day was full of Justin giving presents and kisses all over. It was amazing Mother's Day, and you wouldn't of have it any other way then spend time with your two special boys.

HEY LOVELIES, sorry for the short imagine but, if you guys have any ideas about any imagines I should do you should definitely comment below ☺️💕👋🏽 I hope you guys enjoyed this imagine.

- Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now