The Perfect Guy |Jason McCann|

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**This Imagine Is Based Off Of The New Movie**

**Hope you enjoy**

**Sorry If there is any grammar mistakes**

Everything is not what it seems...

Your friends set you up for blind dates. And frankly you don't want to do it. But, just because your friends kept annoying you about it you finally said yes.

"I'm so regretting this." You mumbled to your friend.

"It will be fun, besides you need a man in your life." Your best friend said.

"No I don't, i could be independent. Meaning I don't need no man in my life, I make my own money. Pay my own bills. And so on..."

"Just go." She laughed handing you your personal belongs.

"Fine." You muttered.

"Text me if anything!" She yelled as you walked out the door.

______*At The Place*_____

"Excuse me... Is this the place?" You asked.

"This is the place as in....?" The assistant said.

"You know the blind dating?" You mumbled.

"Oh, why didn't you just say so! Right this way." She laughed hitting me lightly.

I paused for a second... I just don't like people touching me. (that's how I am like if someone touches me and I don't know them I be like... Okay "who Tf just touched me?")

"Okay sit right here." She patted the chair. I seen guys look at me from the Corner of my eye. But, there is one guy he's tall with brown hair and hazel eyes. His looks.... Hot. All black outfit with his hair in a quiff.

"Everyone take your seats and let the BLIND SPEED DATING BEGIN!"

A few minutes went by and so far I have met weirdos, people who are so conceded about themselves, and more weirdos.

The timer beeped and I sighed and shook his hand. "I just wanna go home." I mumbled.

"Feelings are mutual." I heard a deep raspy voice say.

I looked up and it was the same guy that I seen when I walked in. "Oh god, I'm sorry." You laughed blushing but then sighed. "It's just this whole time I been here I talked to-.

"Weirdos, conceded people, more weirdos?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Actually yes... How did you know?" You said shocked?

"I mean... I been through it myself." He laughed making you laugh with him.

A couple of minutes went by and the time is almost up. Even though you don't want it to end. You feel a connection that you never felt with anyone.

Interrupting your thoughts you hear the thine go off. "Times up." He sighed raspy.

"Wait, I never got your name!" You said quickly standing up.

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