The Distrubance |Part 4| - ENDING

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****Sexual Content, Foul Language, and some parts in this imagine may be ... Disturbing and uncomfortable to some.****

***I'm thinking of just making a Mini Series Book which is full with Justin Bieber and Jason McCann mini series imagines. I'm not sure yet... I'll keep you guys posted, Because I have a lot going on right now. But, it's an option.. Only because you guys seemed to be really interested in my mini series. And this book has a ton of imagines its getting full did you know we're on imagine 128 😭💀😂. I didn't realize how many imagines are in this book.***

"I should fucking kill you."

"Jason." I croaked, his eyes widened as he looked at me. "You did this to her!" Jason spat angrily as went back towards him.

"Well, look who decided to show up." Johnson chuckled on the floor. "Shut he fuck up." He kicked him hard in his stomach making him roll over on his side.

"You think you can fucking do that shit to her." He spat before kicking him again making him groan.

He then quickly pulled out his gun clocking it back making a click out sound as a bullet dropped to the floor. "I got one shot old man... And I won't miss." He gritted through his teeth before placing his finger on the trigger.

"J-Jason." I spoke breathlessly, he raised his eyebrow turning his back looking at me. "Fuck." He muttered before looking at a now unconscious Johnson on the floor.

He placed his gun back in his pocket before rushing over towards me, removing the ties around my hands and feet.

"B-Behind you," I croaked. He raised his eyebrow confused removing the other strap from my hand.

"Behind you." I whispered hoping he would hear me. His eyes widen before making him turn around quickly as Johnson stabbed him right in his chest making him gasp.

"No!" I gasped feeling my heart drop. Jason gasped for breath as a shot went off and he was dropped to the floor. I looked at Johnson seeing blood near his chest area as well before he dropped back as well. Meanwhile Jason's on the floor gasping for air as blood began to arise out of his mouth.

"Jason." I spoke quickly before trying to reach down untying my legs dropping to the floor harshly. I gasped out in pain making me yell, before I dragged myself towards Jason getting him into my embrace

"Shh, your okay, your going to be okay." I cried looking down at him trying to breath gasping for air. I searched his pockets trying to find anything I could call someone. I down at "y-your s-safe n-now." He croaked coughing up blood.

"Jason please don't leave me." I cried, it wasn't long before I heard some yell. "Y/N!"

"PLEASE H-help!" I yelled with my voice cracking. Moment later Alex appeared looking horrified at the sight "baby bro." He shook his head quickly coming over towards me

"fuck, your not dying on me today!" He spoke quickly. I felt my hands began to shake as Jason slowly began to close his eyes and his breathing slowing down.

"Jason you stay with me, YOU FUCKING DON'T LEAVE ME!" Alex yelled holding Jason in his hands.

I just cried looking at Alex get torn apart by seeing Jason. "No." He spoke lowly. "No no no." He shook Jason as he was now unconscious not moving nor is he breathing.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now