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This imagine was inspired by literauhlly . Oh and don't worry I'm still getting to people's requests, I didn't forget. Also, I think Ima do like a book cover for some of the imagines 🌚

**I HAD TO REPOST IT BECAUSE FOR SOME ODD REASON I COULDN'T SEE ANY I ANY NOTIFICATIONS, that happens a lot with that book I'm about to just keep this book and remove the old one.***

This is Jason's POV

******I sat at my desk looking at theses files at payments, shipment orders and my hit list

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I sat at my desk looking at theses files at payments, shipment orders and my hit list. I sighed running fingers through my hair typing on my MacBook laptop.

I looked at a photo back when I was about 5-6 years old with my mother.... and father. I closed my eyes for a moment drifting off into a slumber.

"Eric you cannot do this!" My mother pleaded him, "Get the hell off of me." He spat shoving her off. I stood there peaking my head into the bedroom watching my parents fight.

"So help me- leave me the hell alone!" Next thing I see is my father slap my mother hard making the room fall silent quickly. "Your not saying anything now!" He spat annoyed.

He then grabbed her hair roughly and began beating the ever living crap out of her. He kicked her, punched her, slammed her up against the wall, choked her. And I was just standing there.... not knowing what to do.

It wasn't until my fathers friend picked me up by my shirt and threw me inside the room. "Looks like your son over there snooping." I looked at my mothers face bloody and broken.

"Mommy!" I cried, "Eric! He's just a little boy please don't hurt him." My mother pleaded him once more. "Shut the hell up." He gritted through his teeth.

He grabbing my shirt pulling me up as my feet dangled in the air, my body shakes in fear looking at my father. "Don't hurt him." She quickly pushed him making me fall to the ground.

"Jason baby run okay." She looked at me seriously. "But mommy not without you!" I cried. "Jason! Go now!" She spoke quickly and pushed me out the room. I cried and cried running out of the house. I didn't know where I was going, or how I would see my mom again. I just knew.... I had to get away.

I woke up quickly by the sounds of someone banging on my office door. "Jason bro, there is someone at the door." I heard Za speak. I sighed and nodded sitting up rubbing my tired eyes.

I left my office going downstairs opening the door, seeing my baby mama Rebecca and my 5 year old daughters Riley and Mia. "Daddy!"Riley hugged my legs" I smiled wide picking her up kissing her face. "Did you have a fun weekend with mommy babygirl?"

She nods smiling wide. "It was so fun!"

"I'm glad." I kissed her forehead letting her down.  "Go watch TV and let me and mommy talk." She nods happily going over towards the living room. She passes a sleeping Mia into my arms.

"Have you been smoking Jason." She spat chuckling. "You better not be smoking around her."

"Rebecca are you dumb. I just woke up from a nap damn, stop assuming things. Always trying to find out a way to threaten me to take Riley and Mia away from me."

"Yeah yeah yeah, anyways you got my money." She chewed her gum. I rolled my eyes and handed her the money. "That money is suppose to be for my daughters. Not your own benefits!" I spat.

"Yeah whatever Jason." She rolled her eyes before counting the money walking away. I shook my head and turning back around closing the door. I held Mia in my arms walking back over seeing Riley asleep on the couch. "I'm guessing mom had you up all night." I whispered softly kissing her forehead placing her next to her sister.

I sighed looking around making sure, everything was locked before going upstairs. I walked upstairs going back into my office turning on the cameras that are placed in the house, starting to finish the rest of the filing work that was needed to be done.


A few hours later, I was just finishing up my work when I heard a crash downstairs making me immediately stop what I was doing and grab my gun. I looked at the camera seeing two men dressed in black heading for the living room where my two baby girls slept peacefully at. I heard one of them scream making me, quickly get up rushing out of the room. I looked down the steps seeing Mia and Riley cry trying to get out the mans grip.

"HEY!" I yelled shooting at them making Mia and Riley scream loudly as they began running out of the living room. I hopped myself off the staircase running towards them. I hear Mia and Bella crying and screaming the words. "Daddy!" As soon as they got outside they threw the girls into the back of the car as I continued running towards them shooting.

They quickly pulled off I continued run after the car, until I dropped to the floor by getting shot in my shoulder. I gritted through my teeth wincing in pain holding my shoulder standing up grabbing my phone calling someone, glaring deadly at the car driving away.

"They took my fucking babies." I muttered angrily.

"I don't know who, and why... but all I know, is they fucked with the wrong one. And i'm coming for heads now, so get your asses over here because we got a hit list to work on."


OOOOO, sorry that it was cut so short. I wanted to post something before I go to bed. Shall I continue this

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