The Alpha

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***This is my first ever werewolf imagine, Justin's NOT famous in this imagine.***

**Hope You Enjoy**

Justin Drew Bieber... Alpha Male, leader of the DarkShadow pack. #1 in Los Angeles as one of the most strongest packs. Today's the anniversary of him being turned over as Alpha by his father Jeremy. They say at 12:00 midnight, Justin will find his mate that same night. The full moon will be shining bright in the sky that night. And tonight... Is that night.

Your nervous, your hands are sweating. It's you out of almost a million girls that could be Justin mate..we all have to admit Justin is a really handsome, sexy, cute, lovable..... You get the point guy. Almost every girl in the whole LA bound wants him.

Right now.. There about to let people in for the party to begin. This is a big deal. I mean... You come from an Alpha family yourself your dad met his mate (your mother) at this same type of event. "I'm nervous." You told your dad.

"Don't be... Just have fun." My dad said walking in with my mom.

"Mr. Y/F/LN <---(your fathers last name)" Justin's father said greeting your father.

"Man, remember our ball." He laughed. Your dad laughed and nodded. "Mrs. Y/L/N" he said shaking your mother hand.

"Pleasure to be here." Your mother smiled.

"And the miss beautiful Y/N... Did you see Justin yet?" He smiled.

"No... Not yet." You whispered looking down.

"How about you go take a tour around the house?" Jeremy asked you.

You nodded. "Stay close insight were I could see you." Your dad said sternly.

You walked away to go get some punch or a drink before you took a tour of the house. You looked at the clock. "11:20."

"Jesus you just got here?" you thought to yourself.

You decided looked around the place and it was big... Meaning it feels like you can fit another smaller house inside. (#HouseGoals😂💯)

"Pretty nice house right?" You heard a deep voice say behind you.

You turned around to see a guy he looked similar to Justin but his hair was darker. "Yeah... It's big." You laughed.

"You know I could give you a personal tour of the house? I mean... I do know this house like the back of my hand?" He asked.

You raised your eyebrow? "You look familiar?"

"That's because, I'm In Justin's pack? You know second in line for Alpha after Justin." He smiled.

"And you are?"

"Dylan." He smiled wide grabbing your hand.

You nodded and hesitantly followed him.

Justin's POV

Tonight's the night.... In a few more minutes, I will find my soul mate. My lover. My everything. I will protect her with my life.

"You nervous bro?" Ryan said patting my back.

"A little, you know." I laughed nervously.

I was walking around while the clock was still ticking. I kept feeling pain in my lower stomach but, I think it's just the food turning in my stomach.

"5! 4! 3! 2!" Everyone cheered as the clock was ticking towards midnight.

"1." I whispered. I looked around. "I don't feel anything.." I said making everyone gasp.

"Justin son, it will come to you just start looking around." Jeremy said

"Has anyone see my daughter?!" A male he had the a mark meaning he was Head Alpha at one point.

"GET OFF OF ME!" I heard a voice scream.

For some reason I felt my blood boil, and my heart start beating faster by the minute. I growled lowly as I felt my self change into a werewolf.

"He's found her."

I howled making everyone howl in sync after me. I quickly ran up the steps as fast as my feet took me and I hear crying on the otherside of the door. "Please don't do this.." She whimpered.

I immediately backed up running into the door now making it break into pieces as everyone was running behind me.

I looked at the girl shaking in fear as the man was on top... But wait that wasn't any man... It was "Dylan?"

"Aah, Mr. Justin Bieber... King Alpha?! Always has to come and Save the day." He laughed.

I growled lowly before slowly moving towards him. "Come on, I been waiting for a chance like this to finally defeat you, that Alpha spot was mine!" He yelled.

I growled lowly backing up getting ready to lung at him. "So let's go Bieber!" He yelled before changing into werewolf form and I lunged at him started to fight.

I felt pain in my chest making me weak. "STOP IT! YOUR HURTING HER!" I heard a man yell making me automatically stop. And Dylan tackle me.

Before my pack came and got him. I looked over to see.... This girl on the floor with a pale face. I quickly run over towards her. I look over at her face and since "Mine." I growled lowly before nuzzling her. I bit her shirt pulling her making her sit up as everyone sat in awe as what is happening.

I felt the pain in my chest slow down and go away as I sat in front of her as she slowly started opening her eye. I looked into her eyes and I knew she was the one. She was beautiful no doubt about it. I just look at her and I feel my body go numb. "Mine." I repeated myself now circling around her.

She looked confused. I went over to her before I bit her neck softly making her whimper in pain.

I changed back into human form as everyone clapped and cheered. I picked her up and smiled at her. I see the mark now starting to seal into her neck. "All mine." I purred into her neck.

"Y-Yours." She stuttered. I linked our hands together and I felt sparks.

"My baby is all grown up." A lady cried.

"Welcome to the family son."

HEY LOVELIES! SOOO! That was my first EVER werewolf imagine, did I suck... I'm sorry if it did? I wanna do a part 2 on if though worth there little cute werewolf family? But... Do you guys think I should 😩😩😩❤️ COMMENT BELOW WHAT YOU THINK.

- Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now