Its So....Curly? (Interracial)

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Justin see's your natural hair for the first time


You decided to post a picture of you with your natural curly hair since you always wear your extensions. Justin knows you wear clip in's but he never seen you without them. So him seeing the picture of you on Instagram with your curly hair he kind of freaked out... but in a good way.

"Y/N!" Justin said as you were facetiming him.

"Yes, babe?" you said throwing your hair up in a bun.

"How come you never wear your hair like when your with me!" He rolled his eyes.

"It's a lot to take care of..." You laughed.

"But, I like it... It's So Curly.." He smirked.

"I'm glad you like it.." You said laughing.

"Well, at least I have more to grab know what I mean." Justin winked into the camera.

"Your disgusting." You laughed.

"Come on babe.. you know you like it when I pull your hair."

"Bye Bieber." You rolled your eyes.

"No! Dont leave im joking.." He said quickly laughing.

"Seriously though... I like it wear it like that more often." He said seriously.

"Do you know how much work it is taking care of this?!" You semi yelled pointing at your hair.

"Look at my this takes time Y/N" Justin said running his fingers through his long blonde/brown hair.

You rolled your eyes. "Listen, you want my hair to stay like this are you going to give it the oil's and put the products in to keep it curly like that." You said seriously because it is a lot of work.

"Fine, you win..." But were defiantly having shower sex.." He said smirking.

"Keep dreaming Bieber.." You rolled your eyes playfully.

"So... No shower sex." He pouted.

"Justin!" You said sternly wanting to change the topic.

"Fine..Fine." He laughed.

"Alright well.. I have to go babe, I love you." He said before kissing the camera hanging up.

"Shower sex..."  You laughed at the thought of it.


Hey Lovelies... Soo, what did you think of this one? Should I do more like this... Comment Below <3

- Alicia 

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now