The Pregnancy

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NOT PROOF READ, so sorry for any mistakes.

"Justin I legit have nothing to wear, nothing fits me anymore." You groaned.

Justin has an award show on New Years Eve To go to tonight and he wants you to go. Note, your 8-9 months pregnant all you want to do is lay In bed.

"What about that dress I bought you?" He raised his eyebrow fixing his tuxedo.

"I grew out of it." You groaned feeling your emotions get the best of you.

Justin looked at you seeing your getting frustrated before he placed down whatever he was doing and walked over towards you. "Shh, baby. I'm sure you will find something and if not I'll buy you another brand new dress okay." He smiled at me while wiping a tear.

You nodded. He linked your hands together before walking inside the walk-in-closet. We searched and searched through the closet.

"This is hopeless." You sighed slowly sitting down in a seat.

Justin continued looking before he came back with a light lavender dress. "How about this?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Where did you find that?" You shook your head, the dress was gorgeous.

"I was going to save it for you. But, why not give it to you now." You smiled wide at how he went maturity shopping for you. He then helped you place on the dress and it was a Perfect fit. He then placed you down in a chair before applying your heels of choice.

You slowly stood up. "Are you sure you wanna wear heels baby?" He questioned as you started to walk towards the car now both of you are all ready.

"Just for the carpet." You mumbled. He nodded letting you get in the car first before he ran to the other side getting in himself.

*At The Award Show*

They opened the door and Justin got out first helping me out. "You good baby?" He asked as we stepped out.

"I'm fine Jay thank you." You smiled before we carefully walked towards the carpet flashes erupted from everywhere.

"Justin! Y/N how's the baby?!"

"Justin, Y/N look over here!"


Questions erupted from everywhere. But Justin kept his hand right intwined to yours. He kept making sure your feet were alright and if he was walking to fast. All the way down the carpet until we hit the interviews. Once you and Justin walked into the area you felt yourself get angry.

"they put us all the way on the damn floor by the stage and my feet are killing me." You gritted through your teeth as Justin led you towards the seat.

"Once we sit down I'll take off your heels and put your slippers on." He whispered in my ear. I nodded and continued walking.

We finally got to sit in our seats and the award show finally started. I see Justin pat his lap meaning he's going to now take off my heels.

"Jesus Y/N who told you to wear these high ass heels." He whispered laughing shaking his head.

"They went cute with the dress." You pouted. He took off your heels as you sighed in relief and placed on your slip on slippers. He gently lowered your feet and he raised the arm rest before pulling you in.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now