World War Z (Posted Book)

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The world is coming to end diseases are spreading fast, war is among us.... War between yourself & humanity. What do you do and where do you go. Nothing was ever planned, nothing was ever said. It just happened, The country is put under a state of emergency nobody can leave the US, the whole city is under lock down and Your mission, your only job is to stay alive and keep your family safe from any means harm.

Minutes before the problem...

You were sitting in the car holding Justin's hand sitting in NYC traffic in this heat, Justin got back 2 months ago from serving his time in Arak. Your little baby girl Serena that is 6 years old sitting in the backseat, just looking out the window with her feet dangling off her carseat.

"What's with all this traffic?" Justin groaned beeping the horn, leaning his head on his hand in frustration. You soothed his hand rubbing your thumb relaxing him muscles.

"Probably an accident." You questioned. Justin pressed the radio turning it on the traffic station but we couldn't get a signal just static.

"Stay here," Justin said letting go of your hand. "Daddy where are you going?" Serena asked softly. "I'll be right back babygirl." He replied stepping out.

"Yo, do you know what's going on man?" You heard Justin ask the man that stepped out his car too. The man nodded his head no. "This is ridiculous." Justin spat.

A cop zoomed past the car stopping at Justin and the men. "Sir I need you both to get inside your vehicles." The cop stated sternly.

"What's going on, we been stuck in traffic in this heat! It's been 30 minutes. My daughter is in the car along with my wife!" Justin spat vigorously.

"Sir get back into-" before a car came out of nowhere and crashed right into him making you sit up quickly seeing the motorcycle take flight into the air and the car crash into something making a big explosion. Justin quickly ran back into the car getting in.

You see people running in the opposite direction, screaming for there life. Before Justin turned on the car following the pathway that the car made. "Justin! What are you doing!" You grabbed onto the edge of the seat.

"This is our way out." He stated pressing on the gas pedal zooming through the cars hitting the intersection before everything just happened at once. A car came colliding into ours making the car spin off into the median. Your head was spinning but you were mostly concerned about Serena in the back.

Justin held his head before moving his shoulder. "Everyone okay?" Everyone nodded he got out the car before seeing the car hit Serena's side jamming her door shut as the only side of the car is blocked off, causing you to climb out of Justin's side.

Justin took of his shirt wrapping it around his hands. "Cover your eyes okay." He told Serena sternly. She squealed but turned the other way before Justin pulled his hand back punching the glass hard making it shatter. She yelled in a high- pitched matter he then shook the glass off his shirt before reapplying it, he then unbuckled her grabbing her.

"Daddy I'm scared." She cried. "I know babygirl." He whispered kissing her forehead. Justin grabbed your hand before running down the street trying to find a open car. You looked and see people shaking on the floor violently with foam coming out of there mouth.

Before the started twitching. Justin found a car placing you and Serena in the car first. "Come on..." He mumbled turning the key pressing on the gas petal.

Next thing you know something hard hit against the window making you jump. The person, it defiantly wasn't a person anymore. Kept banging his head on the window. "Mommy!" Serena cried as the glass started to crack.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now