The Mistress |Part 5|

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An:// sorry for the long wait for this.

**Sorry For Any Mistakes**

Justin's POV

"Mr. Bieber mail." Y/N spoke in a monotone voice walking in with a white tank top, with black high pencil skirt, and a pair of white pumps.

"Thank you." I muttered grabbing the mail from her. She nodded, and began to walk away. "Y/N..." I sighed.

She's been highly avoiding me ever since that night. I tried to explain to her that Diana is lying and that she just trying to do that to get back at me.

"Yes Mr. Bieber." She turned around. "Stop calling me Mr. Bieber." I groaned. "What do you want Justin." She sighed.

"I want you to stop ignoring me."

"I'm not ignoring you, I gave you your mail didn't I. I could of had gave it to one of your other desk assistants now, if you will excuse me. You have a meeting a 2 to get to." She turned around walking towards the door.

"Sit down Mrs. L/N." I spoke in a stern voice standing up fixing my tie. "I rather not Mr. Bieber, I rather not be mixed in with your bullshit anymore." And with that she walked out of the door.

I groaned slamming my fist on the table before sitting down. I picked up the mail seeing there was an tan envelope. I picked up the envelope seeing it's from Medical Institute of California. I raised my eyebrow.

"I'm sure I got my checks already." I opened the envelope seeing it's the DNA test from Diana.

I quickly looked through the packet seeing....

I am the father....

That's impossible! Diana and I haven't had sex in weeks. Maybe even months, I thought she o m went prude for a moment.

I quickly called Diana. "Well, I'm assuming you got the paperwork too." She smirked. "You know damn well that baby isn't mine." I gritted through my teeth.

"The test don't lie... " she spoke but I could feel her smirking. "You know what Diana why don't you do me a favor." I spat.


"Go and fuck my best friend for me, then come see who's baby it is." And with that I hanged up the phone.

That baby wasn't mine and I know damn well it wasn't. I looked at the paper work. "Wait a damn minute.... I don't remember taking no damn DNA test." I thought to myself.

I quickly grabbed my computer opening up the video camera's that are placed all around this building. I played it back to last week when Diana came in.

I looked through and seen Diana never left she snuck into my office and that night after we had that little disagreement, well I need a little release, with Y/N if you know what I mean...

Anyways my dumb ass forget to throw the trash away and she must of took the condom I used.... And used it as my DNA test.

That bitch.

I quickly got up grabbing my jacket and my coat leaving the office.


Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now