The Mistress |Epilogue|

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An:// I really loved writing this series this has got to be one of my favorites. I'm going to miss it. Tbh 😭

Justin's POV

"Mr. Bieber." I heard my beautiful wife call walking into the office with her seventh month belly. "Y/N, you can call me Justin, or baby, or husband." I laughed walking over towards her.

"Mr. Bieber is more professional." She smirked. I rolled my eyes playfully kissing her lips. "2 more months." She whispered.

"2 more months and I finally be inside of you again." I smirked pressing against her.

"Hey, hornball there's a kid inside me you know." She playfully slapped my arm moving away.

"Well, he doesn't understand that not having sex with your wife for 9 whole months is stressful." I groaned.

"The first two months we tried but, you took it to a whole level." She began to file the paperwork.

"My stroke game on 100 baby, sorry you couldn't handle it." I cheekily replied. "I have a baby in me, I'm pretty sure he or she couldn't handle it."

"Yeah yeah yeah, I'm just saying after you have he or she. I want you bend over my desk, just like old times."

"I'll see what I can do Mr. Bieber." She laughed. "I'm serious." I stammered, going towards my desk.

"Besides your going to have to wait at least a week or 2."

"Woah, wait what. Now your saying I gotta wait 9 months and 2 weeks. That's messed up." I groaned.

"Well, I I'm going to be sensitive, and two I'm not trying to get pregnant again. Well, not right now."

"Shit, the sensitive part I don't mind." I smirked. "I really never noticed how horny you are."

"I was hoping your hormones would take a turn." I sighed truthfully. "They did, I'm just trying to ignore it."

I raised my eyebrow smirking going behind her. I placed my hands on her shoulder making her tense. "Relax babe."

"Justin." She bit her lip. "Not now."

"Just a quick one... I promise I won't be rough." I began to kiss her neck. "Y-you have a meeting in 10... You can't."

I turned her around before picking her up placing her gently on my desk. She looked at me into my eyes. "That's 10 minutes I get to be inside of you." I smirked before beginning to undo my tie.

"Mr. Bieber-" Alyssa came into the office before pausing. "Mr. Brener is outside." She said quickly before leaving.

I looked at Y/N and see she was trying not to laugh. "You think this is funny." I groaned showing her my now hard on.

"No..." She trailed off as I helped her down. She grabbed my tie and began readjusting it. "I think it's hilarious."

"Now, this is a big meeting. Don't mess it up." She kissed my lips. "Do I ever?" I groaned.

"Oh and I'm clocking out early." She walked away from me. "What no, I need you here."

"You need me here to fuck or do my job." She questioned turning around. "Both?" I shrugged throwing my hands up.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now