Over Protective

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Your POV

You were out shopping just minding your business when your phone rang. You sighed & picked it up.

"Yes Justin?" You rolled your eyes.

"I called you like 5 times already! Why haven't you picked up!" He gritted through his teeth.

"I'm sorry that I have a life & I can't answer my phone every time you call." You muttered looking at the dresses.

"Where the hell are you!"

"I'm sorry but are you my boyfriend or my Dad? Because right now I'm confused."

"Y/N just tell me where the hell you are!"

"1. lower your voice.. 2. Why the hell should I? I'm a grown ass women!"

"Who's that?" Your best friend Mark asked.

"Y/N who the fuck was that!" Justin yelled into the phone.

You rolled your eyes... "Justin just chill out okay it's nobody." You sighed grabbing your drink that you ordered.

"Y/N is your crazy boyfriend of yours." Your best friend laughed.

You hushed him putting your finger up to your lip. "You know what! Don't tell me where you fucking are Y/N I honestly don't give a shit anymore." He yelled before hanging up.

You sighed... "Mark I'll catch you later okay." I said hugging him.

"Awe okay." He said laughing before you guys split going opposite ways.

*At Home*

You walked inside the house & it's quiet.

"Oh look who decided to show up." He laughed lowly.

"Listen Justin in not in the mood to argue." You rolled your eyes walking upstairs before Justin grabbed your arm.

"So who is he." He gritted through his teeth.

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Don't play fucken dumb with me Y/N who was the guy you were with!" He yelled gripping you arm tighter.

"Justin you have 5 seconds to let go of me!" You gritted through your teeth.

"WHO. IS. HE!" He yelled letting go but still in your face.

"I don't have time for your bullshit!"

He scoffed & next thing you know he grabs you turning you around & you feel a strong hand collide with your face making you gasp in pure shock.

"He just hit you..."

You look at Justin & he realized what he did. Before you take your hand smacking him back. "Don't you EVER! lay your damn hand on me again!" You gritted through your teeth before walking upstairs & bringing out your suitcase packing up all your stuff before walking out the door.

HEY LOVELIES... Question should I do a part 2 to this... Ehh? I dunno? But what do you think... I wanted to try a new type of Imagine... 👀

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- Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now