My Last (Part 3)

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*Since people wanted me to do a series on it.. Let's see how part 3 goes ❤️*

**Hope you enjoy**

It's been a few weeks now since you been back Together with Jason. And you guys still have your ups and downs but, you love him... So that's All that matters right?

Mason and Jason are like a mouse on a glue tap... Stuck and can't get out. Jason, has become very protective over Mason and God forbid something happens to Mason... Jason would probably be more heartbroken then me.

You sigh going out towards the backyard seeing Jason and Mason playing football. Jason would pretend to fall on the floor when Mason would "tackle" him. Jason is amazing at Football, funny story. Jason used to play at my school and that's how we met. He was the quarterback, and no I wasn't a cheerleader.. I was actually a nerd. Like straight A student and everything. Debate teams.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look!" Mason said tostada me holding the football.

"Okay, what do you want me to look at." You said smiling.

He then threw the football towards Jason and Jason catched it tumbling on the floor for extra affect. "TOUCH DOWN!" He yelled before running over towards me picking you up.

"Now where's my reward?" Jason smirked as he placed my legs wrapped around him.

You smirked and grabbed his face kissing him. God you missed this... "Ewh! Ewh!" Mason said before running inside.

Jason smiled into the kiss before placing you down. He intwined your hands together. "Remember when I had to legit make you come to my football game because, you were my good luck charm." Jason smiled as we walked inside the house.

"I remember that..." You whispered looking down smiling at the thought.

You heard something break upstairs making you look a Jason with wide eyes. Jason gave you a look to stay here but, you nodded your head no before running upstairs.

"Mason!" You yelled..... "But no response."

"MASON!" You yelled checking in the rooms.

"I can't find Mason." You cried running towards Jason to see him holding a note with his fist clenched and his jaw clenched.

"I'm going to kill that son a bitch." Jason said lowly.

I grabbed the piece of paper. "Missed me? Don't worry... You will see me soon Y/N I told you.. Don't ever fuck me over. Since you did that I decided to take what as most important to you. Mason... Just come back to me Y/N and me, you and Mason will be one happy family. But, if you refuse.... Well, I guess we will just have to see what happens to Mason won't we. Meet me at the old pier at 5:00 "alone".

- M.

"Jason." You cried before he pulled you into his embrace. "don't worry.. We will get him back Y/N. But.. you need to trust me y/n... Do you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you Jason." You said looking into his eyes.

"Good... Now, here's the plan...."


"Y/N... Don't worry. We been through this before. We can see you if anything go wrong I would be damned to let anything happen to you." Jason said applying the hidden microphone on you.

You nodded and sighed Heavily. "Alright, now remember and relax." He told you sternly. You nodded and sighed walking out of the van that was hidden. You walked towards the pier and didn't see anyone there.

You sighed looking around playing with your fingers nervously. "Y/n..." You heard a voice say towards you.

"Where's Mason." I said sternly.

He smirked and snapped his fingers showing two men holding Mason. "Mommy!" He cried.
You sighed running towards him before you were pushed towards the ground making you groan.

"You just think, you could treat me like that Y/N." He said lowly grabbing your hair.

"Pathetic." He gritted through his teeth and kicking you in your stomach.

"MOMMY!" Mason cried that made your heart break in pieces.

"Where's your precious Jason at now." He laughed lowly.

Next you know you here a gun cock back and you see Jason standing in front with his gang members all of them got Mark and his friends at gun point. "Right here." Jason gritted lowly.

He laughed lowly. "You got 5 seconds to hand over my son." He said sternly.

"I'm afraid I can't do that." He laughed before next thing you know Mark grabs you picking you up holding a knife towards your neck.

"Pick... Either I take Mason's life or Y/N's." He said pressing the knife into your neck.

"Neither." He gritted lowly before next thing you you heard gun shots go off.

You quickly scream out in fear and see Mark fall to the floor screaming. You look over at Mason and see him running towards you. "Mommy." He whispered.

"Mason." You cried into his little chest moving his hair (it's like Justin's hair when he has the hairflip ❤️)

"Are you okay mommy." He said looking at me. He has that protective side that Jason has.

"I'm fine baby." You smiled.

You grabbed Mason holding him. Looking at Jason. "You think that I would let you get away from this." He laughed lowly reloading his gun.

"Don't look Mason." You said as he placed his head on your chest and you covered his ears.

He laughed for shooting him in his other leg. Making Mark scream out in pain. "Who's the bitch now?" He said before he had no emotion on his face shooting him right in his forehead. "Bitch."

Jason reloaded the gun placing it on safety before placing it on his waist.

"Daddy!" Mason said now looking up seeing Jason walk over to him. "Thank god your alright." He said kissing Masons forehead.

"Are you alright baby." He asked placing his hand on my stomach.

You nodded. "I promise I will protect you both and never... Ever let anything happen to you guys. You guys mean the world to me." Jason said before hugging both of us.

"Let's go home."

HEY LOVELIES, I hope you enjoyed part 3 ❤️❤️❤️ I loved writing this Imagine so much, I'm even thinking of making it into a book series? Should I? Comment below.

- Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now