The Protecter

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AN:// The Grammy's imagine, will be the next imagine posted... So I didn't forget about it. 😂👐🏽 Also, crazy how far this book has came. 172k reads, 7.03k votes & 1.35k comments! I seriously love you guys thank so much.

"Stay away from me!" You yelled pushing the man in front of you. He smirked before grabbing your wrist tightly making you wince. "This would of never happen Y/N if you would of just listened."

He twisted my wrist making me yelp in pain pressing my back against him as he held a cloth against my mouth. "Stop fighting." He whispered in my ear. I tried to fight it, but I became to weak... Next thing I know in out cold.


I slowly feel my eyes open looking around to see me in a dark room, concrete walls & floorings. I slowly lift my body up only to be pressed back down feeling an enormous amount of pain rush through my body. I look down at my wrist seeing it's wrapped but, swollen and bruises surrounding it.

I see the door open, making my eyes squint due to the light coming into the darkroom. "Your finally awake." The voice said coming closer.

"Leave me alone, you sick bastard!" I gritted through my teeth scooting my body back towards the wall. He laughed lowly before harshly grabbing my face in his hands.

"Nobody's going to come save you Y/N, give up... Your here to stay, your mine now." He grinned softy moving his hands across my face.

"Fuck you." I spat looking at him before his hand made contact with my face. He looked at me disgustedly before getting up and slamming the steel door back.

I felt my stomach growl loudly making me wince from the lack of food in my system. I feel myself getting dizzy, my eyes slowly rolling back before I see the darkness once again take over my body.


I hear a loud growl making my eyes open, looking around to see what looks like a wolf. "Back up you!" The man yelled trying get away from the growling animal.

I couldn't keep my eyes open for much longer, before the I see the wolf lung at the man biting him... All I hear is the man screaming in pain. Before.. I blink a couple times seeing the wolf come over to me.

Cries erupted from the wolf as it used its head trying to push me lightly. I felt myself being dragged out of the dark area, before I'm outside on the lawn.

I looked at the wolf seeing is change into a..... Human? This isn't real, no... This is so not real.

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