Through Sickness & Health

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**Requested by: @TheBlackSwan94**

**Hope you guys enjoy**

You woke up with the sun shining in your face making you groan. Last night you went to the the launch party of Justin's new single "What Do You Mean?" (2 DAYS GUYS!!")

Your head was pounding and your stomach felt a bit queasy. You decided maybe if you lay back down it will go away. You turned to see Justin sleeping with his mouth open just a tad bit and his arm already secure around your waist. You snuggled more into his chest making his nose cringe as your hair brushed the tip of his lightly.

You felt Justin's arm wrap more tightly around your waist securely as he kissed your forehead. "Everything okay babe?" He whispered in his raspy voice.

"I just don't feel very good.." You sighed into his chest.

"Did you drink last night?" He asked sighing.

"Only a bit.." You mumbled trying to remember exactly what happend last night.

He sighed and kissed your forehead before getting up. "Where are you going?" You said lifting your head up before groaning in pain at the pounding headache you have.

He walked over towards you leaning you back into the bed fixing the pillow before covering you. "You just lay here and I'll be right back okay."

You sighed and nodded cuddling into the soft white covers. Justin then walked over to the walk in closet and grabbed a pair of his sweatpants leaving him shirtless as left the room. You felt your eyes get heavy as you slowly started to close your eyes feeling the sleep take over you.

**A few moments later** (I 100% SAID IT IN THE SPONGEBOB VOICE 💀😂)

"Baby... Sweetheart wake up." Justin said gently shaking you.

"Hmm." You said slowly opening your eyes to see Justin holding a tray of food.

"I made you some pancakes with some bacon and eggs... With some herbal tea on the side." He said handing you the tray as you sat up.

"Baby, you didn't have to." You pouted at how sweet he was being.

I wanted to." He said smiling sitting on the edge.

You lifted the knife and fork to cut the pancakes before Justin quickly got up grabbing them. "I got that." He said before cutting your pancakes.

"Justin I'm sick not paralyzed." You laughed slightly.

He grabbed the tray back before he started to feed you. "Your not lifting a finger until your better."

You looked at him before lifting up your finger. "I lifted up a finger." You laughed after you finished chewing the food.

"Your seriously the cutest babe." He laughed.

You decided to just let him feed you because, you were never going go win an argument with Justin when it comes to you being sick.

You felt your phone go off and you grabbed it seeing it was your best friend asking if you wanted to go jet skiing with her today down at The beach.

You guys haven't hanged out in the longest so of course you wanted to go with her. But, you would have to convince Justin that your feeling better so.. He would let you go. Don't get me wrong I'm aloud to do whatever I want.. It's just I don't feel like getting into an argument today.

"I feel so much better thank you baby." You said kissing his lips.

"No Y/N..." He said sternly sighing placing the tray on the dresser getting up.

"What?" You said confused. He knows what your doing.

"Your sick... Why would you want to go out. What if you pass out or something?!" He said now his over protective side kicking in.

"I'll be fine, you know why?" You said going over to him wrapping your arms around his waist.

"Why." He said avoiding eye contact with you.

"Because, I have an amazing boyfriend that took care of me, and made me feel better." You said looking up at him.

He sighed looking down running his fingers through his hair before gently grabbing your face. "Promise me, if you feel sick or anything you will call me."

"I promise baby." You said kissing his lips.

You pulled away walking towards the closet with Justin following you behind. "Did you have to go to the studio today?" You said confused.

"I called off because, I wanted to take care of you... And just relax and watch movies today with you."

You placed down the clothes and seen Justin sitting on the bed pulling out his laptop. You felt bad... He called off his studio session to care of you and you were about to just leave. You grabbed your phone before texting tour friend saying your sick and you can't make it. She understood that and said we could reschedule it whenever you feel better.

You walked over to Justin seeing his eyes glued to this laptop. You walked to the other end of the bed before getting in scooting over towards his wrapping your arm around him kissing his shoulder.

He looked at you confused. "I'm sick." You pouted.

He laughed and wrapped his arm around you. "I love you so much." He kissed your lips gently.

"So, how about we watch the hangover?" He said clicking on it. You nodded and he pulled the cover over both of you and you both for the rest of the day were laying down cuddling watching movies all day. Just having a lazy day.

HEY LOVELIES! OMG I'm sorry it took so long and I'm sorry if this sucked 😩😩😢💔 I tried to get it in before I go to volleyball practice. But, let me know what you thought about it ❤️ also, can you guys go please check out my other books "The Protector" and "Mr. Bieber." I will be updating soon on them

- Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now