Fighter |Jason McCann|

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An:// Who's ready for the Grammy's tonight... I hope Justin wears a suit, it's been a while since I seen my baby wear a suit to an award show. ❤️

Jason's POV

"Are you sure you want to go...." She sighed trying to convince Jason to not go on this mission. "Y/N, I have to... This is the first lead I've gotten in months! Finally, I get to take down the asshole who killed my parents!" I spat angrily back.

"What about Emma & Drew?" "What about them Y/N... I'm doing this to protect us, to protect our family! If you want to finally be safe, have no worries let me go."

"So go..." She whispered with my voice cracking at the end. "What?" I looked dumbfounded by the way she just gave up on the argument.

"You want me to let you g-go... So go, but let me just say this... This is the last time McCann, because I can't sit here every night wait hoping in praying you come home safe every night! She paused for a minute seeing a slight tear come rolling her cheek while she bit the inside of it as her lip quivered.

"B-Because, I-I know one day y-you won't come back.... & I-I'll be all alone. & I can't do a god damn thing about it." She looked away not wanting to look at me.

I was about to say something before he just shut his mouth

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I was about to say something before he just shut his mouth. "I'll be back, I promise." I grabbed her forehead gently kissing it.


"AAAH!" I yelled out in pain feeling the electrifying waves go through my body. I felt my fist ball up due to the amount of pain flowing through my body. I heard a slight laugh . "Jason.... My boy, you could of just listened to what everyone was trying to tell you." He came out from the darkness showing his face.

"Fuck you." I gritted through my teeth. He just laughed before I felt the same electrifying pain rushing through my body. "It's funny how someone who claims to be so "powerful" can turn into something so weak.

I shut my eyes tighten feeling the weakness prevail over me. I got to do this... For Y/N, for my kids, for my family.

"Give up McCann...!" "Never!" I yelled feeling my throat start to burn.

He shook his head. "Bring him to the room!" They came over towards me before covering my face with a black bag knocking me out cold.

Your POV

"I'm freaking out! He's not home, I knew I shouldn't of let him go.. How can I be so stupid!" I cried pacing back and forth. "Y/N, calm down... He's okay."

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