Annual Gang Ball

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AN:// HEY LOVELIES, it's been awhile since I updated sorry for the long wait. But, I'm back now and yeah. Thanks for waiting. Much Love

"Y/N! Come on I don't wanna be late." Justin yelled from down the staircase. Does this boy not realize.... If you wanna look good. You never rush.

"I'm coming!" You yelled back before looking one more time into the mirror. Your pressed your lips together making sure you lipstick is perfectly evened out. You smiled, walking out of the room. Only to be stopped by Justin.

"Hell no." Justin said shaking his head at you. "What? What's wrong with my dress." You questioned him.

"Too much is showing, do you not realize how hard it is to not wanna pick you up & take you back into the bedroom.... To fuck you senseless... I promise if you let me show you. He whispered in your ear making you shiver slightly before you regained your confidence.

"Justin. It's not that serious." You laughed. "The hell it is, there's going to be gang members there Y/N. Nasty disgusting people. & if they lay one single hair on you or look at you wrong I might just have to burn now the place." He faked his smile towards you.

"Well, we don't have time." You pressed back. "Fine, fine. Just stay in my sight." He said sternly. You nodded and smiled before he pulled you into a kiss but, you tilted our face to the side making his lips land on your cheek.

"Sorry baby, but I worked too hard on my makeup." You laughed.  Justin shook his head before grabbing your face kissing your lips. "& I waited to long for that." He smiled.

"Let's go." Justin clapped his hands together picking up his keys. "WAIT!" You said quickly before handing Justin your bag going back up the steps.

"This is so unmanly..." You heard Justin yell in disgust downstairs. You laughed before grabbing what you forget going back downstairs. "It's a nice color on you... Fits you."

"You think?" Justin said jokingly posing with the handbag. "& your suppose to be America's #1 most wanted criminal." You laughed shaking your head grabbing your bag back.

"We don't speak about this." He warned. "Yes sir." You patted his back before walking to the car.

*At The Venue.*


"Bieber." Justin stated sternly. "Justin what's good my man." The security guard laughed looking up. "Life's been good, can't complain." He smiled looking at you making you blush.

"Alright, go on in." He nodded moving to the side letting me & Justin in. As soon as we walked in Justin's grip on my waist tightened. "Justin it's okay..." You reassured him.

"I just don't trust a lot of people in here." He gritted through his teeth. You nodded before deciding not to argue with him.

"Bieber." You heard a voice say lowly. Justin's turned around, as soon as they made eye contact you knew there was tension to be solved.

"I'm going to go get some drinks." You said before kissing Justin's lips. "Come right back." He warned making you nod. It wasn't because he was controlling it was his protective side. "Oh can you hold my purse again." You said quickly handing him your bag.

Justin's POV

"Nice girl Justin... How did you get her?" He smirked looking at Y/N as she walked away. "Eyes off Johnson." I spat towards him.

"Just a friendly question Justin." He shrugged. "Not a friendly question if it's about my wife." I gritted through my teeth.

"Nice bag." He laughed. "Shut up..." I spat towards him. "Justin Bieber holding a purse wow I thought I would never see the day." I felt my grip tighten on the bag.

"But Justin got a Wife? Didn't know you had it in you to settle down, especially with a girl like that." He laughed. I felt my blood start to boil before I was about to charge towards him, but what made me calm my nerves was the touch of Y/N's hand.

"Here's your drink baby." Y/N smiled handing me my drink. I took a sip of my drink.

"Where's my drink, sexy?" He said before I swallowed my drink angrily making my fist ball up causing the glass to crack. "Excuse me." Y/N laughed lowly.

"You heard me... Why don't you just ditch Bieber & come home with me.... I promise you, I'll be the best you ever had." He smirked.

"Alright that's it!" I yelled before slamming my drink down on the closets table around taking off my jacket and rolling up my button up sleeves walking back towards him making Y/N put her arm on my chest. "Hold this again. Last time I promise." She said looking into my
Eyes I sighed before holding the bag. I love Y/N but damn I hate holding purses. Takes the man out of me.

"Johnson is it?" Y/N questioned making him
Nod and smile. "It's funny that you think that I would ever leave Justin for you? I mean... Justin is the best I ever had. & I mean you haven't experienced him in bed.... Justin's got a lot more then your "baby shrimp dick" A LOT. More. Also, have a little bit or class for yourself Johnson. I mean, there's hoes around here that I'm sure there will live up to your standards. I mean.... Since you don't have them. Now, I should let Justin just beat your ass right now. But in not going to let him ruin tonight because, some inconsiderate low life wanted to say a couple of petty words towards me." Y/N faked a smile. I looked at her with wide eyes but I was really smiling so wide. "My baby got in in her."

Johnson was about to say something before Y/N cut him off. "Oh & Johnson... " She paused before whispering in his ear."You might wanna get tested for.... STD's. I think it's spreading." She pointed towards the now showing rash on towards his lower area.

She turned Around before smiled at me grabbing her purse from me. "Wanna go dance baby."

"Yeah, let's go." I smiled. "I forget something." I turned around before tapping Johnson on his shoulder. "what!" He said before my fist collided with his face causing him to fall into the table, making everyone look. I cracked my knuckles and my neck. Before fixing my self.

"Now I'm ready." I smirked making Y/N laugh.

Today wasn't so bad, the night was rough in the beginning but, at the end of the night Y/N and I had an amazing time & lets just say.... At the end of the day when we got home, I kept my promise.

HEY LOVELIES! OH MY I MISSED YOU GUYS! I been super super busy with life & all. But, guess who's back!!! I really do love all you guys. Thank you for all the support on the books. Much love hope you enjoyed this imagine.

- Alicia ❤️

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