I Cant...

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Justin comforts you with all the hate since you guys recently came out with your relationship.

Hope you guys like it <3

Your POV

You were laying down on the bed watching Orange Is The New Black when you decided to post a silly picture of you & Justin.

@yourinstagramname - god this boy gives me chest pains... @justinbieber

You posted the pictures and a few seconds later you started getting likes and comments and you decided to read some of the comments since you were bored. Most of them were cute like...

"I ship Y/N and Justin so much!"

"They are seriously the cutest"

"Shes so lucky to have Justin take care of our boy for us!"

And then there's the hate comments...

"You don't deserve Justin!"

"All she wants is Justin's fame and money! She would be nothing if it wasn't for Justin!"

"Seriously your so ugly why are you even with Justin."

You sighed and deciding to log off of Instagram going to the bathroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror and sighed.. "Maybe there right.." You thought to yourself. You pulled out a blade from the cabinet and looked at your wrist and then back at the blade before slowly going towards your wrist.

"Y/N" Justin yelled grabbing the blade from you.

"Why..." He whispered.. looking at you with watery eyes.

"I-I cant deal with all the hate Justin... maybe there right I don't deserve you."

'Y/N please, don't listen to them... you might not think you deserve me but you do.. because before you came into my life... I don't know what I was doing or thinking but you came & changed me.. changed me for the better... without you I don't know where I would be right now if anything I dont deserve you Y/N your beautiful.. inside and out.. your smart.. funny..and everything any man could ever wish for." He said smiling holding your hands.

"I-I'm sorry.." You whispered letting a tear fall.

"Its okay just don't ever scare me like that again! If you ever feel like that again call me.. do anything I don't care if I am 50,000 miles away from home I will be on the next flight out just to be here with you." He said seriously kissing my lips softly.

"I love you Justin."

"I love you too Y/N so much."


Hey Lovelies... well sorry if they suck right now but this is the first time doing imagines.. let me know what you think or any ideas <3

- Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now