Moments like this (For Angie)

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**You and Justin are having cute moments around the kids***

This one was requested by BELIEBERfourLIFE_

**hope you enjoy it ❤️❤️**

You were down stairs cooking dinner when you felt hands come behind you grabbing your waist making you gasp. "It's just me baby." Justin laughed into the crook of your neck kissing it softly.

"You scared me." You laughed turning around hitting his arm slightly.

"Sorry baby." He laughed kissing your lips.

"Whatcha making." He let go of you looking around.

"I just finished making dinner, now I'm trying to make this cake I seen online." You laughed.

"Can I help?" He asked.

You thought for a minute.... "Hmm." You said tapping your chin.

"Pleeeeeeease!" Justin whined like a 4 year old who's parents won't let them get a toy from the toy isle. (Btw- my parents always caught me when I tried to sneak it in the cart 😂)

"Sure why not?" You smiled.

"Alright, what do need?" He asked.

You had your phone out trying to get the directions you had before to make the cake before looking up to see Justin in a white apron and a chefs hat.

"What are you wearing." You laughed.

"That's Chef Bieber for you." He said pointing the spatula at me.

"My apologies Chef Bieber." You laughed putting up air quotes.

"Flour, check. Eggs, check. Milk, check. Butter... Check." You said going down the list.

"Alright, ready to make this cake." You asked Justin.

"I'm ready." He held up his spatula.

"You got to stop watching spongebob baby."

He laughed and nodded. Okay so first we're going to place the three cups of flour in. You said not looking from your phone.

"Flour got it." Justin said. "One cup, two cups, and three cups."

"Okay now we need two eggs."

"Alright, two eggs coming right up." He grabbed the two eggs.

"Now, we need a stick of butter."

"Alright, got the stick of butter."

"And two cups of milk." You looked up from your phone to see Justin with flour and everything all over him.

"Oh god, what happend." You laughed.

"hey this isn't that easy." He defended himself.

"Sure babe you said kissing his lips. "They taste like flour." You licked your lips.

Next thing you know you see A whole bunch of white power pour all over you. "JUSTIN!" You yelled.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now