He doesn't know...

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***You just found out your pregnant and your scared to tell justin***

this one was requested by BELIEBERfourLIFE_

Hope you like it <33

"Oh no.." You said holding your mouth with your hand.

"No, no I can't be." You cried.

You and Justin had sex like 2 or 3 weeks ago for the first time but then I turned into a daily thing... but you have been feeling sick lately and its also bad because, told him you were on the pill... Which you were. But, I guess you forget to take one that day and.. Yup. Now your pregnant.

"I'm only 19 years old.. I-I can't.." You mumbled shakily.

"Y/N.. sweetheart im home!" Justin yelled from downstairs.

You quickly grabbed the pregnancy test and hid it behind your back. "Baby- what's wrong?" He said quickly coming over to you grabbing your face wiping your tears.

"I messed up..." You whispered letting more tears fall.

"Everyone makes mistakes that's what makes us human."

"No, no... Justin. It's not like that." You said quickly pulling away."

He raised and eyebrow. "Did you cheat on me?" He said clenching his face and hands.

"No, no?! What the hell!" You yelled making him sigh and calm down.

"Then what is it?" He yelled in frustration throwing his hands up.

"IM PREGNANT!" You yelled but quickly regret it covering your mouth that didn't have the pregnancy test.

"W-what?" He said coming closer towards you.

"I-I'm pregnant.." You whispered now looking down.

"Seriously?" He said now standing right in your face."

You nodded and handed him the pregnancy test. He looked at it and you couldn't tell if his reaction was good or bad.

"I-I understand.." You whispered before walking past it. But, then you felt a strong hand pull you back right into a hard chest making your gasp.

You looked up to see a teary eyed Justin. "I-I'm gonna be a father." He smiled wide making your heart beat fast.

You nodded. He picked you up wrapping your legs around his waist before swinging you around in his arms.

"J-Justin!" You yelled laughing.

He placed you down and looked at you before pressing his lips against yours. "I love you...(kiss) I love you (kiss) I (kiss) love (kiss) you (kiss)."

"I love you too baby." You smiled.

He got down on his knees and pulled up your shirt just a bit so it's only showing your stomach. "And I love you too." He said kissing your stomach making you smile wide.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now