The Bieber Twins

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AN:// Sorry if any grammar mistakes, I didn't proof read it.

"So your brother is coming over today?" You repeated what Justin said, sitting on the bed. "Mmhm, I haven't seen him in years." He sighed.

"Why?" I questioned as he laid his head onto my lap, as I played with his hair. "Ever since my mom & dad split... I had a choice to live with my mom or my dad & I picked my mom, and to answer your question... It's because I was closer with my mom."

"How did you know I was going to ask you?" You smirked touching his cheeks. He grabbed your hand smiling looking up at you. "Because, I know you."

"Stop," you covered your face. "What am I doing." He laughed sitting up. "You just give me that look, stop." You giggled pushing him away playfully.

"You love me though." His smirked grabbing your waist kissing your cheek. "Justin." You laughed. "Say it!" He kept kissing your cheek.

"Never!" You mushed his face only to have him
Grab yours kissing you passionately. "Just say you love me...." He sang softly.

"Oh my god." You laughed. "CAUSE I DON'T WANNA FALL IN LOVE! IF YOU DON'T WANNA TRY!" He sang loudly with his voice cracking, still holding you tightly.

"You skipped like a whole part." You laughed. "I know right." You heard another voice say. You looked up and you looked at Justin, before looking at the boy that looked exactly like Justin.

"OMG YOU HAVE A TWIN!" You squealed hitting him. "Owe!"

"Your parents have amazing genes!" You went up to the other boy grabbing his cheeks. "Some girlfriend you got here Justin." He muffled a laugh.

"Justin, his face is so soft like yours!" You looked at him. Justin laughed before grabbing you. "That's enough babe." He placed you down on the bed.

"Jason." Justin finally brought him into a bro hug. " You sat there in awe, as the brothers get reunited together.

"Bro, how was traveling the world!" Jason smiled at you. "Amazing, you should of came... So many hot-"

"I'm right here." You spoke in a stern tone. "He was going to say guys.... For me of course." Jason laughed.

"Guys?" I raised my eyebrow. "He's gay Y/N." Justin chuckled. "THATS SO NOT FAIR!" You groaned.

"How is it not fair?" Justin chuckled. "You can't be that good looking & be gay." "I'm right here." Justin spat throwing his hands up. "Okay, you can't say that... You both look exactly the same."

"Fair enough." He grabbed your waist sitting down on the bed, he kissed your cheek holding his lips against it.

"Justin, stop." You laughed pushing him away only to have him nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck.

"You got him whipped." Jason laughed. "He got himself whipped. "Jason, since Justin didn't wanna help me, this morning pick out a dress can you."

"Hey, I said that they both look amazing on you." He picked his head up. "See what I mean." I groan. He laughed and nodded.

He picked up the two dresses, "cream or lavender?" You asked. "Cream defiantly, with your skin complexion girl, you will be slaying that carpet." He replied truthfully.

You got out of Justin's grasp making him groan, as you held up the dress against. Jason walked over towards you closer before bringing out a pair of heels and jewelry.

"With these black heels, with the all pearl jewelry, just stunning." You went into the closet trying out the finish product, walking out seeing Jason and Justin sitting on the bed together talking.

"So how do I look?" You smiled wide. "Wow..." Justin said in astonishment. "Close your mouth, before a bug flys in there." Jason slapped his cheek lightly.

You looked in the mirror and you looked like a princess, you felt like a princess. "You need to be my stylist!" You told him truthfully.

Jason laughed, "well thank you." "So, how long are you staying here?"

"Couple days, Zayn wanted me to go to his mother's house for dinner." "Oh, I forgot about Zayn? How is he?"

"He's fine, we had a falling out a while ago but... Everything's good now." Jason replied fixing my dress.

"Why don't you come to the award show tonight with us?" I offered. "No!" They both said simultaneously. I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

"Why not?"

"Because, we like to keep our brotherhood a secret, that's the only thing I have in my life that wasn't thrown into the spotlight." Justin sighed looking at Jason.

"How did you keep it a secret for so long, didn't anyone suspect anything?"

"I honestly don't know." He laughed. "Everywhere I go, people think I'm Justin. It's funny but insane at the same time." Jason chuckled.

I nodded, "well.. How about we just order take out and just stay in tonight?" "No, no you guys go have fun at the award show." Jason insisted.

"Listen, we have been to plenty award shows, plus your our guest, so please." I smiled. He nodded.

"Alright, so I got the FIOS, The Notebook, or WWZ.

"The notebook." Me and Jason said at the same time. "Come on, you know I hate movies liked this." He groaned.

"Too bad, its 2 against one, maybe next time bro." Jason laughed leaning back on the couch.

Justin's POV

After I placed the movie in, we just decided to have popcorn & chips, halfway through the movie. I came back into the room with the snacks seeing Jason & Y/N sleeping, with Jason with one of his arms laid stretched out on the top to the couch and his head leaning on the arm. & Y/N, sleeping bundled up in the blanket with her head on Jason's chest.

Was I mad.... No?

You might ask why... Because, I trust both of them with my life & Jason has a boyfriend. To me it's like Jason & Y/N are growing a brother & sister relationship. Throughout the movie they were crying together, passing Each other tissues. Laughing at some parts. It's harmless.

I pulled out my phone Taking a picture. Before covering them both with the blanket. I sat down turning off the movie switching to TV mode, turning on the hockey game. Grabbing the popcorn watching the game, not to long before I felt someone snuggle up into my chest.

I look down to see Y/N with her eyes closed trying to get herself comfortable. I laughed softly. I placed my feet on the long end of the couch pulling her into me so she's laying next to me.

"Comfortable?" I asked, "Mmhm." She mumbled tiredly.

"I love you," I whispered kissing her forehead running my fingers through her hair. She turned around and looked up. "I love you too." She whispered softly before I leaned down kissing her lips softly.

She snuggled back into my chest, as we watched the hockey game together.

HEY LOVELIES, ❤️ I don't have much to talk about today... I'm on spring break so, look out for updates with my book (My Life As Mia Bieber)

- Much Love, Alicia

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