My last (Part 2)

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"This can't be happening.." You cried holding your face in your hands.

You just ran upstairs getting up walking over towards where's Jason's clothes were and you opened the drawer to see a black box. You raised your eyebrow and opened it too see a silver diamond ring. You immediately slammed the box down before just officially breaking down crying.

"Please.. Just please be okay Jason." You prayed.


It's been 3 years... 3 whole years since Jason had past.. You still can't believe he was gone.. Jason was everything, he was my life. But, my life slowly ended when he was gone.

"You alright babe?" Your boyfriend asked wrapping his arms around you.

"I'm fine.." You mumbled. His hugs were nothing like Jason's, you felt safe... You felt secure. You just felt... It's so unexplainable how you felt.

"Do you want anything for the store?" He asked  kissing your cheek before grabbing his keys.

"No.. Just pick up a pack of Snacks for Mason."

He nodded before kissing your lips. And leaving. There's something always in your heart that you will always love Jason. Nobody nobody, could ever replace him. Take his place in heart.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Mason said coming into the room.

"What?" You asked bending down to his level.

"There's a mawn at the door." He said grabbing your hand.

You groaned it's probably one of thoses people who come asking for stuff at your door.

You sighed going towards the door opening it. "I don't have any money, so I'm sorry for you time." You mumbled not even wanting to look up.

"I'm not here for money." You heard a deep voice and you knew that voice from anywhere your heart dropped and you looked up to see the one and only Jason McCann.. He looked different his hair was now cut and he had a little bit of a stashe.

"J-Jason." You whispered looking at him.

He nodded. "I-I thought you were dead." You cried before hugging him. He immediately hugged you back tightly.

He just nodded. "What happens in Atlanta?" You asked... You needed to get answers.

"I got shot... Not once but multiple times... I seen my life flash before my eyes.. And before you know it everything went black. I woke up in a hospital room... They said I have been coma for a whole year. and they told me how I got shot and everything.. Then, my only priority after that was finding you Y/N..."

"And now I found you." He smiled before leaning in.

"Jason.." You sighed pulling away.

"What?" He asked confused. You sighed looking down at the floor.

"There's someone else isn't there...." He gritted through his teeth.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now